rvm / rvm1-ansible

The official ansible RVM role to install and manage your Ruby versions.
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Problem installing rubies with rvm1_user #224

Open sowndarya22 opened 4 years ago

sowndarya22 commented 4 years ago

How do I pass the rvm1_user root password with the variable? I get the below error :

   "stderr": "Error running 'requirements_centos_libs_install patch autoconf automake bison bzip2 gcc-c++ libffi-devel libtool patch readline-devel ruby sqlite-devel zlib-devel glibc-headers glibc-devel openssl-devel',\nplease read /home/econveyance/.rvm/log/1599838427_ruby-2.7.1/package_install_patch_autoconf_automake_bison_bzip2_gcc-c++_libffi-devel_libtool_patch_readline-devel_ruby_sqlite-devel_zlib-devel_glibc-headers_glibc-devel_openssl-devel.log\nRequirements installation failed with status: 1.",
    "stderr_lines": [
        "Error running 'requirements_centos_libs_install patch autoconf automake bison bzip2 gcc-c++ libffi-devel libtool patch readline-devel ruby sqlite-devel zlib-devel glibc-headers glibc-devel openssl-devel',",
        "please read /home/econveyance/.rvm/log/1599838427_ruby-2.7.1/package_install_patch_autoconf_automake_bison_bzip2_gcc-c++_libffi-devel_libtool_patch_readline-devel_ruby_sqlite-devel_zlib-devel_glibc-headers_glibc-devel_openssl-devel.log",
        "Requirements installation failed with status: 1."
    "stdout": "Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time.\nFound remote file https://rvm_io.global.ssl.fastly.net/binaries/centos/7/x86_64/ruby-2.7.1.tar.bz2\nChecking requirements for centos.\nInstalling requirements for centos.\n\u001b[32mInstalling required packages: patch, autoconf, automake, bison, bzip2, gcc-c++, libffi-devel, libtool, patch, readline-devel, ruby, sqlite-devel, zlib-devel, glibc-headers, glibc-devel, openssl-devel\u001b[0m|\b/\b-\b\\\b|\b/\b-\b\\\b|\b.-\b\\\b|\b/\b-\b\\\b|\b/\b-\b.|\b/\b-\b\\\b|\b/\b-\b\\\b|\b.-\b\\\b|\b/\b-\b.",
    "stdout_lines": [
        "Searching for binary rubies, this might take some time.",
        "Found remote file https://rvm_io.global.ssl.fastly.net/binaries/centos/7/x86_64/ruby-2.7.1.tar.bz2",
        "Checking requirements for centos.",
        "Installing requirements for centos.",
        "\u001b[32mInstalling required packages: patch, autoconf, automake, bison, bzip2, gcc-c++, libffi-devel, libtool, patch, readline-devel, ruby, sqlite-devel, zlib-devel, glibc-headers, glibc-devel, openssl-devel\u001b[0m|\b/\b-\b\\\b|\b/\b-\b\\\b|\b.-\b\\\b|\b/\b-\b\\\b|\b/\b-\b.|\b/\b-\b\\\b|\b/\b-\b\\\b|\b.-\b\\\b|\b/\b-\b."

Installing ruby with root works fine but with rvm1_user... since I am my user should pass the password to switch to root and i dont want to allow auto login as root

dgm commented 3 years ago

I pass an option to this role: rvm1_autolib_mode: 2 which makes it not try to auto-install the packages. That also means I have to install those packages with ansible prior to installing rvm.