We found an issue with the gem and bundler directory location just as mentioned in this issue #71 , 'update #46'
Before the fix bundler gem was installed in default gemset - this is only available when you run "rvm use ruby-2..2.2" but we need it in any gemset: "rvm use ruby@gemset" and this is achieved by installing bundler gem in the "@global" gemset that is inherited by all the gemsets on given ruby.
We found an issue with the gem and bundler directory location just as mentioned in this issue #71 , 'update #46' Before the fix bundler gem was installed in default gemset - this is only available when you run "rvm use ruby-2..2.2" but we need it in any gemset: "rvm use ruby@gemset" and this is achieved by installing bundler gem in the "@global" gemset that is inherited by all the gemsets on given ruby.