I have been trying to get Mandalorion-Episode-II working for isoform expression of 1D ONT sequencing data and am having trouble. The command I am running is as follows:
The content.txt file contains:
/data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/minimap2_alignment/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR_alignment.psl /data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/fastq_20_june_2018/pass/all /data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/fastq_20_june_2018/pass/all /data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/minimap2_alignment/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR_alignment.sam
(I have tried this with and without the .fasta and .fastq extensions and get the same errors)
The errors I receive are:
rm: cannot remove ‘/data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/fastq_20_june_2018/pass/all/parsed_reads/*’: No such file or directory
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "defineAndQuantifyIsoforms.py", line 245, in <module>
File "defineAndQuantifyIsoforms.py", line 239, in main
splice_dict = splice_dict = collect_splice_events(path)
File "defineAndQuantifyIsoforms.py", line 33, in collect_splice_events
for line in open(path + '/SS.bed'):
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/Mandalorion_isoform_calling///SS.bed'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "createConsensi.py", line 212, in <module>
for line in open(path + '/isoform_list'):
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/fastq_20_june_2018/pass/all/isoform_list'
The pipeline creates a parsed_reads folder, but it is empty. It also creates the files Isoform_Consensi.fasta and Isoform_Consensi_filtered.fasta, but they are both empty. It does not appear to create the SS.bed file or the isofrom_list file.
I have been trying to get Mandalorion-Episode-II working for isoform expression of 1D ONT sequencing data and am having trouble. The command I am running is as follows:
The config.txt file contains:
The content.txt file contains:
/data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/minimap2_alignment/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR_alignment.psl /data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/fastq_20_june_2018/pass/all /data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/fastq_20_june_2018/pass/all /data/csijcs/nanopore/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR/minimap2_alignment/K562_cytoplasmic_polyA_cDNA_PCR_alignment.sam
(I have tried this with and without the .fasta and .fastq extensions and get the same errors)
The errors I receive are:
The pipeline creates a parsed_reads folder, but it is empty. It also creates the files Isoform_Consensi.fasta and Isoform_Consensi_filtered.fasta, but they are both empty. It does not appear to create the SS.bed file or the isofrom_list file.
Can you please tell me what I am doing wrong?