rwaldron / io-plugins

Documentation and discussion point for IO Plugins
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Are the query* methods still used? #20

Open nebrius opened 6 years ago

nebrius commented 6 years ago

I was going over the spec for my Abstract IO class and comparing with the Raspi IO implementation, and I noticed that queryCapabilities, queryAnalogMapping, and queryPinState are not mentioned in the docs. Are these methods still used and need to be added to the spec, or can they be dropped from Raspi IO?

nebrius commented 6 years ago

I think I answered my own question: these methods exist in firmata.js, but are not used in Johnny-Five, and so I think it's safe to say that we don't need to include these in the IO Plugin protocol. I'm open to counter-arguments though. Primarily, do we care about the IO Plugin spec being 100% compatible with firmata.js or are we okay with it being a subset?