rwdavies / STITCH

STITCH - Sequencing To Imputation Through Constructing Haplotypes
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Error: Execution halted #91

Open Janelle555 opened 10 months ago

Janelle555 commented 10 months ago

Hi, I got this error when runing STITCH: ''' [2023-12-05 20:59:19] Running STITCH(chr = 1, nGen = 100, posfile =./YA0442.1_2.intervals.pos.txt, K = 10, S = 1, outputdir =./CHR1_SNP, nStarts = , tempdir = ./STITCH/temp/, bamlist = bamlist.txt, cramlist = , sampleNames_file = , reference = , genfile = , method = diploid, output_format = bgvcf, B_bit_prob = 16, outputInputInVCFFormat = FALSE, downsampleToCov = 50, downsampleFraction = 1, readAware = TRUE, chrStart = NA, chrEnd = NA, regionStart = NA, regionEnd = NA, buffer = NA, maxDifferenceBetweenReads = 1000, maxEmissionMatrixDifference = 1e+10, alphaMatThreshold = 1e-04, emissionThreshold = 1e-04, iSizeUpperLimit = 600, bqFilter = 17, niterations = 40, shuffleHaplotypeIterations = c(4, 8, 12, 16), splitReadIterations = 25, nCores = 60, expRate = 0.5, maxRate = 100, minRate = 0.1, Jmax = 1000, regenerateInput = TRUE, originalRegionName = NA, keepInterimFiles = FALSE, keepTempDir = FALSE, outputHaplotypeProbabilities = FALSE, switchModelIteration = NA, generateInputOnly = FALSE, restartIterations = NA, refillIterations = c(6, 10, 14, 18), downsampleSamples = 1, downsampleSamplesKeepList = NA, subsetSNPsfile = NA, useSoftClippedBases = FALSE, outputBlockSize = 1000, outputSNPBlockSize = 10000, inputBundleBlockSize = NA, genetic_map_file = , reference_haplotype_file = , reference_legend_file = , reference_sample_file = , reference_populations = NA, reference_phred = 20, reference_iterations = 40, reference_shuffleHaplotypeIterations = c(4, 8, 12, 16), output_filename = YA0442.1_2.intervals.SNP.mark.vcf.gz, initial_min_hapProb = 0.2, initial_max_hapProb = 0.8, regenerateInputWithDefaultValues = FALSE, plotHapSumDuringIterations = FALSE, plot_shuffle_haplotype_attempts = FALSE, plotAfterImputation = TRUE, save_sampleReadsInfo = FALSE, gridWindowSize = NA, shuffle_bin_nSNPs = NULL, shuffle_bin_radius = 5000, keepSampleReadsInRAM = FALSE, useTempdirWhileWriting = FALSE, output_haplotype_dosages = FALSE, use_bx_tag = TRUE, bxTagUpperLimit = 50000) [2023-12-05 20:59:19] Program start [2023-12-05 20:59:19] Get and validate pos and gen Error in names(x) <- value : 'names' attribute [4] must be the same length as the vector [1] Calls: STITCH ... get_and_validate_pos_gen_and_phase -> get_and_validate_pos -> colnames<- Execution halted ''' Sincerely ask: What is the cause of this error?

rwdavies commented 10 months ago

What does ./YA0442.1_2.intervals.pos.txt look like? Does it have the same format as the example "pos" file?

Janelle555 commented 10 months ago

What does ./YA0442.1_2.intervals.pos.txt look like? Does it have the same format as the example "pos" file? The format of the posfile file looks like this: 1 1364 C G 1 1973 G T 1 2001 G T 1 2862 G T 1 3175 A T 1 3188 G T 1 3210 A T 1 3223 C A 1 3264 T A 1 4553 A G 1 4570 C A 1 4611 C T 1 5730 C A All four columns are the same length.

rwdavies commented 10 months ago

It should be tab separated, change it and let me know if it works

Janelle555 commented 10 months ago

It should be tab separated, change it and let me know if it works

YEAH,it works! Thank you so much!