rwieruch / visual-regression-testing-react-storybook

Visual Regression Testing in React with Storybook
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An in-range update of cypress is breaking the build 🚨 #9

Open greenkeeper[bot] opened 5 years ago

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

The devDependency cypress was updated from 3.1.2 to 3.1.3.

🚨 View failing branch.

This version is covered by your current version range and after updating it in your project the build failed.

cypress is a devDependency of this project. It might not break your production code or affect downstream projects, but probably breaks your build or test tools, which may prevent deploying or publishing.

Status Details - ❌ **continuous-integration/travis-ci/push:** The Travis CI build could not complete due to an error ([Details](

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Your Greenkeeper Bot :palm_tree:

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

After pinning to 3.1.2 your tests are still failing. The reported issue might not affect your project. These imprecisions are caused by inconsistent test results.

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

Release Notes for 3.3.0

Released 5/17/2019


  • Cypress now automatically reads from your system's HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY environment variables and proxies traffic accordingly through Cypress based on these values. This includes network traffic within your application under test, when downloading Cypress, and when accessing 'Runs' within the Test Runner. Please read our new Proxy Configuration doc to understand more about proxy configuration in Cypress. Fixes #672, #733, #939, #1039, #1459, #1469, #1470, #1541, #1608, #2295, #3855, #3865, #1401 and #3857.
  • Your project's current proxy settings now display in the Settings of the Test Runner. Addresses #3856.
  • Support for have.focus, not.have.focus, be.focused and assertions have been added. Addresses #97.
  • We now offer a separate 32bit and 64bit build for Windows. Addresses #716, #787, #2095, #706.
  • Requests that go through cy.visit() or cy.request() are now automatically retried under the hood when the request fails. This more closely reflects Chrome's default behavior on requests. Addresses #4013, #898 and #1013.
  • cy.visit() and cy.request() now support new options retryOnStatusCodeFailure and retryOnNetworkFailure to allow changing Cypress's automatic request retry on status codes and network errors. Addresses #4013, #898 and #1013.
  • .type() now supports the special character sequences {insert}, {pageup}, and {pagedown}. Addresses #3845.
  • We now indicate which XHRs match which alias in the Command Log on .wait() when they match an alias multiple times. Addresses #477.
  • The console log when clicking on the cy.visit() command now displays its resolved options arguments. Addresses #3721.
  • There's a new 'canceled' XHR status shown on the Command Log to indicate the difference between calling xhr.abort() and the browser canceling the request due to page navigation. Addresses #3973.
  • The Electron browser now runs Chrome Version 61. Addresses #4000.
  • Running Cypress via cypress run now supports scripts of type="module". Fixes #3696.
  • Exposed Cypress.isCy() method to check if a value is a valid instance of cy or a cy chainable. Fixes #3822.


  • Fixed a regression introduced in 3.2.0 that caused an error to throw when visiting domains with certain public suffixes. Fixes #3717.
  • When running Cypress with NODE_OPTIONS environment variables set, Cypress no longer issues an incorrect 0 exit code. #1676
  • Fixed a regression introduced in 3.2.0 that caused .its() to no longer retry when it yields undefined. #3837
  • Fixed a regression introduced in 3.2.0 that caused cy.fixture() to throw a EISDIR error if a directory had the same name as a file within that same directory. Fixes #3739.
  • user-agent headers sent as arguments to cy.request() and cy.visit() are now properly sent. Fixes #3873 and #3719.
  • We changed Cypress's implementation to no longer rely on internal XHR events when the browser navigates. This fixes a a bug in Chrome 71+ that could cause XHRs to pend forever. Fixes #3973 and #4130
  • We greatly improved the speed of proxied requests through our network layer. Fixes #3192 and #1469.
  • If an error occurs during cypress verify, we now kill the verification process after 10 seconds and print the error message. This should prevent some situations where Cypress would hang during installation or verification and never exit. Fixes #819.
  • Cypress automatically retries cypress verify and cypress run commands by starting its own XVFB server on Linux if the first attempt fails due to possible DISPLAY misconfiguration. Addresses #4034.
  • Cypress now properly handles typing JavaScript object prototype methods (like hasOwnProperty) into .type(). Fixes #3423.
  • We now set the form option to true if the Content-Type header equals application/x-www-form-urlencoded and json is not already set by a user. This fixes a situation where Cypress would try to parse the body as a string, resulting in a confusing error message. Fixes #2923.
  • cy.contains() now correctly handles comma delimited arguments passed to the selector argument. Fixes #2407.
  • Passing a browser path containing spaces now works properly when passed to the --browser argument. Fixes #3979
  • Fixed display of tooltips when selecting elements from the Selector Playground so that they display at the correct coordinates when scrolling. Fixes #1351.
  • The lists of spec files now display at the correct indentation level when they are nested more than 5 directories deep. Fixes #3652.
  • Cypress now properly parses environment variables with empty values. Fixes #3742.
  • Assertions running outside of a test are now properly handled in Cypress instead of throwing internal errors. Fixes #3926.
  • Cypress.log() now throws an error when not properly passed an object as its argument. Addresses #3658.
  • Cypress.log() no longer throws when called before any other Cypress commands. Fixes #3658.


  • We now better support capturing environment variables within Azure DevOps. Addresses #3657.
  • Cypress now only scans for spec changes when the watcher sees changes, rather than polling to scan. Addresses #3069.
  • The ability to open the context menu to see "Inspect Element" has been reenable in the Electron browser. Addresses #4002.
  • We no longer package non-Windows ffmpeg builds with Windows builds, resulting in a 35-40% reduction in zipped size and a 36-43% reduction in unzipped size of download. Addresses #3888.
  • When an HTTP request is received by the proxy layer, by default, we send it with a Connection: keep-alive header so that the connection will be reused if possible. Addresses #3857.
  • Improved accessibility of Test Runner for screen readers. Addresses #3850.
  • Cypress type definition now allow a timeout option in cy.hash(). Fixes #3844.
  • Fixed type definition for match assertion so that it now only accepts RegExp type arguments. Fixes #2578.
  • The .trigger() type definition now expects its options to be ObjectLike. Addressed in #3809.
  • The cy.clock() type definition now allows for type Date. Fixed in #4106.
  • Added type definition for undocumented Cypress.LocalStorage.clear method. Fixes #4070.
  • Added type definition for Cypress.isCy() method. Fixes #3822.
  • The spinner animation should more smoothly spin when a command is pending in the Test Runner. Addressed in #4005.

Documentation Changes:

Dependency Updates

  • Upgraded commit-info from 2.1.2 to 2.1.2. Addressed in #4045
  • Upgraded data-uri-to-buffer from 0.0.4 to 1.2.0. Addresses #4152.
  • Upgraded electron from 1.8.2 to 2.0.18. Addresses #4000.
  • Upgraded electron-packager from 9.1.0 to 13.1.1. Addresses #4155.
  • Upgraded express-handlebars from 3.0.0 to 3.0.2. Addressed in #4086.
  • Upgraded find-process from 1.2.1 to 1.4.1. Addressed in #4087.
  • Upgraded getos from 2.8.4 to 3.1.1. Addressed in #4222.
  • Upgraded http-status-codes from 1.3.0 to 1.3.2. Addressed in #3949.
  • Upgraded jimp from 0.6.0 to 0.6.4. Addressed in #4097.
  • Removed method-override. Addressed in #4209.
  • Upgraded node from 8.2.1 to 8.9.3. Addressed in #4001.
  • Downgraded parse-domain from 2.1.7 to 2.0.0 to avoid a regression released in parse-domain. Addresses #3717.
  • Upgraded pluralize from 3.1.0 to 7.0.0. Addressed in #4205 and #4206.
  • Upgraded semver from 5.6.0 to 5.7.0. Addressed in #4112.
  • Upgraded send from 0.16.2 to 0.17.0. Addressed in #4134.
  • Upgraded supports-color from 5.5.0 to 6.1.0. Addressed in #4150.
  • Removed tar-fs. Addressed in #4148.
  • Upgraded term-size from 1.2.0 to 2.0.0. Addressed in #4148.
  • Upgraded tmp from 0.0.33 to 0.1.0. Addressed in #4111.
  • Upgraded trash from 4.3.0 to 5.2.0. Addressed in #4140.
  • Upgraded url-parse from 1.4.4 to 1.4.7. Addressed in #4110.
  • Upgraded widest-line from 2.0.1 to 3.1.0. Addressed in #4139.
  • We updated and removed some dependencies used for development.
greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

greenkeeper[bot] commented 5 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

Release Notes for 3.4.0

Released 7/9/2019

User Authentication Changes:

  • Users can now log in to the Test Runner using the browser installed on their system. Fixes #3583, #4337, and #1162.
  • Users can now log in to the Test Runner with Google or with SSO (if configured). Fixes #3519.

Continuous Integration Support:

  • Environment variables for Semaphore CI v2 are now recognized when recording a test for the dashboard. Fixes #4671.
  • Support for Concourse CI has been added when recording a test for the dashboard. Fixes #4376.
  • SnapCI support has been removed and GoCD support has been added. Fixes #2680.


  • contain.text, contain.html, and contain.value assertions now support partial matching in all scenarios to match expected behavior. Fixes #1969.
  • Electron rendering warnings are no longer printed to console output. Fixes #4288.


  • Added verification for cypress download that checks the checksum and filesize. This will fix issues with Cypress downloads being corrupted in transit. Fixes #812 and #3515.
  • Added a warning when a percent-encoded URL is passed to cy.route(). Fixes #2372.
  • Added an error for when fails because an element has the CSS pointer-events: none. Fixes #3164.
  • Added a warning for Windows users who have Group Policy settings that may interfere with usage of Cypress. Fixes #4391.
  • The JSON schema file used for intelligent code completion for the Cypress configuration file has been updated to match our documentation. Addressed in #4300.
  • Type definitions were added to cy.server() for the onAnyRequest, onAnyResponse, and onAnyAbort callback options. Fixes #3992.
  • The outline when focusing on a panel heading within the 'Settings' tab of the Test Runner now correctly outlines the element. Fixes #3357.

Documentation Changes:

  • Documented cy.get()'s optional withinSubject argument.
  • Documented "Expected to find element..." error message and potential causes.
  • Documented new "Cypress detected policy settings on your computer that may cause issues" warning in Error Messages.

Dependency Updates:

  • Removed string-to-stream since it was no longer being used. Addressed in #4619.
  • Upgraded @cypress/commit-info from 2.1.3 to 2.1.4. Addressed in #4597.
  • Upgraded @cypress/react-tooltip from 0.4.0 to 0.5.0. Addressed in #4610.
  • Upgraded errorhandler from 1.5.0 to 1.5.1. Addressed in #4618.
  • Upgraded fs-extra from 8.0.1 to 8.1.0. Addressed in #4620.
  • Upgraded request-progress from 0.4.0 to 3.0.0. Addressed in #4584.
  • We also updated and removed some dependencies used for development.
greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

Release Notes for 3.6.1

Released 11/08/2019


  • The Electron browser no longer hangs when testing applications that have a prompt in a beforeunload handler. Fixes #2118.
  • We fixed a regression in 3.5.0 where HTTP redirects could cause strange behavior, including cookies not being set as expected, leading to authentication issues and other problems. Fixes #5436 and #5432.
  • When using cy.setCookie() with the same options Object, Cypress now correctly sets the new cookie instead of the one passed into a previous cy.setCookie(). Fixes #2701.
  • We fixed a regression in 3.5.0 where cy.clearCookie() would not act as expected when using certain baseUrls. Fixes #5453.
  • Cypress no longer crashes with the error Failed to parse or set cookie named "xxx" when loading certain websites. Fixes #4990.
  • Cypress now sends the expected headers or request body in a cy.visit() to an HTTPS URL using the default port, 443. Fixes #5367.
  • We fixed a regression in 3.6.0 where Cypress would crash with TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of null on some network requests. Fixes #5585.
  • We fixed a regression in 3.5.0 that caused the red target to be rendered incorrectly when specifying offset coordinates to .click(). Fixes #5635.
  • We fixed a regression in 3.6.0 that was causing an incorrect element to receive the click event during action commands. Fixes #5578.
  • We fixed a regression in 3.5.0 causing text after using modifier keys in .type() to not be typed. Fixes #5622.
  • Elements with backface-visibility: hidden; are now accounted for when asserting on the elemtent's visibility. Fixes #2985.
  • We fixed a bug where a failed Cypress commands would incorrectly throw cannot read property 'replace' of undefined if the error's stack was undefined. Fixes #1669.
  • The 'Log In' modal within Cypress when setting up a project now correctly closes when manually closed. Fixes #5631.


  • We improved the user experience around inspecting events fired during .click() and .type() commands within the console. Addresses #5553.
  • We increased the timeout when connecting to the "Developer Tools Protocol" from 5 seconds to 20 seconds and also added logging for when the connection takes longer than 5 seconds. Addresses #5610.
  • There is no longer a warning about Promise.defer appearing in stderr when running with video recording enabled. Addresses #5611.
  • Types for .rightclick() and .dblclick() have been updated to correctly reflect their accepted options. Addresses #5617.
  • We're continuing to make progress in converting our codebase from CoffeeScript to JavaScript. Addresses #2690 in #5556
greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

Release Notes for 3.7.0

Released 11/27/2019



  • Fixed a regression in 3.5.0 where a cy.visit that changes superdomain would incorrectly clear cookies of other domains. Fixes #5756.
  • Fixed a regression in 3.5.0 where cookies set in a redirect on a cy.visit or in a cy.request with a custom Domain that is not a subdomain of the current domain would fail to set. Fixes #5656.
  • Fixed a regression introduced in 3.5.0 which caused cy.type to send duplicate modifier keys. Fixes #5622.
  • We fixed a regression in 3.6.1 where cy.request() with followRedirect: false would fail if a Set-Cookie header was present in the response. Fixes #5654.
  • The context of window is no longer undefined within the application under test when called within a setTimeout during strict mode. Fixes #5707.
  • Cypress now captures the SHA of builds generated through Travis CI during pull requests. This should resolve issues with Cypress status checks sometimes not running within GitHub Integration. Fixes #5728.
  • Cypress now automatically strips double quotes from --ci-build-id and group flag arguments during cypress run. Fixes #5686.
  • Assertions printed in the Command Log now correctly identify integers from string integers. Fixes #25.
  • Empty spaces are now accurately reflected in the Command Log within assertions. Fixes #1360.
  • Keys printed in the Command Log when using the have.all.keys assertion now correctly display. Fixes #753.
  • We fixed an issue where Cypress would throw an error when using cy.visit() on a domain. Fixes #5722.
  • Fixed a bug where fixtures consisting only of null would cause an error. Fixes #472.
  • Fixed a bug where, if the Test Runner child process is killed with a signal and does not exit normally, the npm CLI process would not exit with an error. Fixes #5808.


  • Added a new, more specific error message when an item is not visible because it has position: fixed and is being overflowed over. Addresses #1379.
  • cy.visits that cause a superdomain change will now result in 2 requests to the origin server. This should not affect tests, as tests will still re-run on a superdomain change. This is a side-effect of the fix for #5756.
  • The configuration object returned from the plugins file is now validated and will throw a helpful error message when invalid. Addresses #5712.
  • The configuration panel under Settings in the Test Runner now has a white background for better readability. Also each configuration option with nested properties is now collapsible. Addressed in #5068.

Dependency Updates:

  • Upgraded parse-domain from 2.0.0 to 2.3.4. Addressed in #5726.
greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

greenkeeper[bot] commented 4 years ago

Your tests are still failing with this version. Compare changes

Release Notes for 3.8.3

Released 1/24/2020


  • We fixed an error during cypress run indicating could not find CRI target when Cypress was unable to find the tab to control. Fixes #6053.
  • HTTP requests to sites using a TLS version lower than 1.2 now no longer fail. Fixes #5446.
  • cypress verify will no longer error on some systems when -screen is not defined. Fixes #6184.
  • We fixed a regression in 3.5.0 causing cy.type({ force: true }) to no longer forcibly type characters for readonly inputs. Fixes #6116.
  • Generated reports when using custom reporters now have a defined file property. Fixes #1495.


  • Messages from cy.get() are now truncated at 50 lines the Command Log instead of the 1 line. Addresses #6145.
  • We now collect more environment variables for Bamboo CI when recording for the Dashboard. Addresses #4895.

Dependency Updates:

  • Upgraded electron from 7.1.9 to 7.1.10. Addressed in #6242.
  • Upgraded electron from 7.1.7 to 7.1.9. Addressed in #6180.
  • Upgraded http-status-codes from 1.3.2 to 1.4.0. Addressed in #6134.
  • Upgraded and from 2.2.0 to 2.3.0. Addressed in #6179.