rwilcox / odyssey

Rails, React, and deployment patterns
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Added host, username and password to database.yml and added models for stories and users. Views controllers etc have been generated from scaffold and are not yet edited. #14

Closed jcarvin closed 7 years ago

jcarvin commented 7 years ago

Added User Model and Story Model

User Model

rails g scaffold user username:string first_name:string last_name:string email:string role:integer

pk username first_name last_name email role
1 jdoe john doe 1
2 bsmith ben smith 5

Project Model


rails g scaffold story in_order_to:text as:string i_want_to:text i_do:text this_happens:text importance:integer comments:text dev_comments:text difficulty:integer story_kind:integer author:integer

in_order_to as i_want_to i_do this_happens importance comments dev_comments difficulty story_kind author
Create a new user story a supervisor be able to click a button and input some data When I click the button to create a new user story Text boxes should appear for me to enter my thoughts/ideas 3 There should also be a way to assign user stories to individual developers/developer teams as well as a way for them to comment and respond foo bar 1 2 {this would be an integer relating to an epic if applicable.} 1 {int relating to user who is requesting feature}

Also added host: postgres, username: postgres and password: secretsecret to database.yml

rwilcox commented 7 years ago

awesome look great!