rwoeber / homebrew-update-notifier

announce outdated Homebrew formulas in the OS X Notification Center
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Support homebrew-cask? #5

Open nogweii opened 7 years ago

nogweii commented 7 years ago

Should be as simple as calling brew cask outdated and appending the results to a list. It's output is smart, too -- it'll be more verbose if it's executed interactively but in a scripting context it's just a space separated list of out-of-date casks.

frdmn commented 7 years ago

Good idea, haven't thought about that yet to be honest. Will add support for cask soon 👍

nogweii commented 7 years ago

There​ are a couple of complications that may inform how you set up the notification text. brew upgrade doesn't pull in casks, and there is a class of casks that don't have a version policy, just always "latest" (pass --greedy to outdated)