rwtema / Careerbees

Repo for Career Bees. A mildly silly bee mod.
10 stars 6 forks source link

Question: Bee Gun with Queen or Princess provides unlimited bees... Intentional? #8

Closed riskable closed 6 years ago

riskable commented 6 years ago

Just a quick question about your amazing mod: I noticed that when putting a Queen or Princess Bee in the (awesome/hilarious, muwahaha!) Bee Gun this provides unlimited bees (beesources?) whereas using drones results in the drones being consumed. Is this intentional or a bug?

A Queen producing unlimited bees makes sense but a Princess? Not so sure (not that it makes all that much of a difference since you can just make a Queen from a Princess fairly trivially).

You can close this issue with your answer. Thanks!

rwtema commented 6 years ago


riskable commented 6 years ago

Thanks for answering my question. This will simplify my spotlight because I've already got lots of footage demonstrating the Bee-Bee Gun with queens in it =)