McJty has updated CompatLayer to version 1.10-0.3.1, installing this version with Dense Ores installed causes a client crash with the following error:
Caused by: com.rwtema.denseores.DenseOresMod$1: Dense Ores requires CompatLayer to run in Minecraft 1.10.2
Reverting back to the version released by McJty in December 1.10-0.3.0 fixes this issue but prevents the use of any of his updates as they depend on the updated version of Compatlayer...
McJty has updated CompatLayer to version 1.10-0.3.1, installing this version with Dense Ores installed causes a client crash with the following error:
Caused by: com.rwtema.denseores.DenseOresMod$1: Dense Ores requires CompatLayer to run in Minecraft 1.10.2
Reverting back to the version released by McJty in December 1.10-0.3.0 fixes this issue but prevents the use of any of his updates as they depend on the updated version of Compatlayer...