rwtema / DenseOres

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YelloriumOre #36

Closed Zaflis closed 10 years ago

Zaflis commented 10 years ago

Here's config i've made. It shows in NEI but it's got the black/purple default texture. Until there is proper one somehow i'm gonna copy texture name from dense gold (S:baseBlockTexture=gold_ore).

block_57 { S:baseBlock=BigReactors:YelloriteOre I:baseBlockMeta=0 S:baseBlockTexture=BigReactors:YelloriteOre D:denseOreProbability=1 I:renderType=1 I:retroGenID=1 S:underlyingBlock=stone }

For someone wondering how i found out BigReactors:YelloriteOre, give yourself OP ingame, and type /give YourIngamename bigreactors: and hit tab key to let it auto-complete with right caps.

UndeadZeratul commented 10 years ago


Zaflis commented 10 years ago

Alright. Must say that dense gold texture looks really good on it, and NEI found all yellorium related recipes too. I also changed I:renderType=0 as it is on dense gold. However i wasn't able to do the same with osmium, it just won't come up in NEI at all, but there's another raised issue for that.

UndeadZeratul commented 10 years ago

ok good, I'm glad I'm not the only one with that issue; I don't know why Osmium just won't show up.