rwtema / Extra-Utilities-2-Source

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crash with shifting clicking fuel into generator #226

Open Sunekaer opened 5 years ago

Sunekaer commented 5 years ago

Bug Report When I shift click coal into the furnace generator and the total amount would be over 64, the game hangs until I force close it.

Steps to Reproduce (for bugs)

  1. Have a furnace generator running
  2. Shift click a stack of coal into the input slot making the total amount of coal in the machine over 64
  3. game freezes and has to be force closed

Doesnt generate an crash log and theres nothing in the latest log by here it is

tested with: forge- extrautils2-1.12-1.9.8

ranger135xp commented 5 years ago

This just happened to me with a Survival Generator. If what you shift-click into the generator will total more than a full stack (64) of fuel, the game hangs until you kill the process and reload MC.

Additionally, if you have fuel in the generator and you right-click drop more fuel onto the existing fuel in the slot, it will disappear instead of increasing the total fuel. For example, I just had a generator with 31 charcoal. With more charcoal in my hand, I right-click dropped 3 more into the generator, but I still had 31 and the generator was not running.

Removing all fuel, adding the fuel together, then re-adding the fuel to the generator works as a work-around. Ex: Remove 31 charcoal, increase stack in inventory to 36 charcoal, add charcoal back to generator, generator now has 36 charcoal.

RyanWilsonRMIT commented 5 years ago

I am having the same problem on stone block, however I wasn't having the problem when I just had a handful of mods. what are you guys playing on?

ranger135xp commented 5 years ago

Mine is a custom FTB Revelation.

1JackBlack1 commented 5 years ago

To add to this: It isn't just the generator. This first happened to me with the enchanter, trying to put in lapis (as a side issue, not shift clicking it caused the lapis to vanish). Then it happened with the resonator when I tried shift clicking speed upgrades. Then it happened when I tried shift clicking gravel into a mechanical user.

I then made a copy of my stoneblock folder and got rid of all the mods except extra utils 2 and the same thing happened. Then purged everything except just the mod and again the same thing happened. (For these I just tested shift double clicking a bunch of gravel into the mechanical user.

Using Forge 1.12.2- and extrautils2-1.12-1.9.8 Launch options (JVM arguments): -Xmx8G -Xms8G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M

RyanWilsonRMIT commented 5 years ago

Also happens when shift clicking items into a transfer node.

LordMZTE commented 5 years ago

this always occurs when a item stack gets shift-clicked and when it wont fit completely, same thing happens with the machines that you need for the terraformer like the humidifier for example

Tommsy64 commented 5 years ago

I've been running into the issue a lot with the Bag of Holding. I ran JProfiler on the JVM while the game started to hang. This might be useful: image

Edit: The issue still occurs when the only mod is Extra Utilities 1.12-1.9.8, This is what memory usage looks like while the game is hanging. image

There appears to be a loop creating millions of ItemStacks and net.minecraftforge.event.AttachCapabilitiesEvents.

Tommsy64 commented 5 years ago

It appears that the hanging when trying to overfill and inventory by shift-clicking does not happen on ExtraUtilities versions 1.12-1.9.7 nor 1.12-1.9.6.

The only line in the change-log for 1.9.8 is Fix items being voided when shift-click-transfering them in the GUI So it is reasonable to assume that this bug was introduced during that change.

For the time begin, downgrading to 1.9.7 is a possible workaround.

Corosauce commented 5 years ago

I think I just experienced this one too, was shiftclicking around, bag of holding might have been it, caught the snapshot in visualvm:

Here is snapshot data and forward calls from visualvm that led me to think it was this mod somehow:

Dyvinia commented 5 years ago

I have this issue aswell

ghost commented 5 years ago

This is a bug with all EU2 machines and blocks, if you shift click anything into those items/blocks it will instant crash your game. and its repeatable

Unbox101 commented 5 years ago

Will this be fixed any time soon? Playing on big mod packs and accidentally shift clicking into extra utilities machines is infuriating. Downgrading the mod doesn't help either because then it just deletes your items. Losing a stack of nether stars that you shift clicked into a generator isn't at all better than hard crashing to desktop, neither of which should be happening. Is their an unofficial fix or any type of fix? I use extra utilities a lot and I really love it but I am so sick of my game crashing from doing something as simple as shift clicking items.

BrainInBlack commented 5 years ago

Adding to this, it seems that this crash will cause the affected machine to bug out and void everything you you put into it.

Version: 1.9.8

UncleOwen commented 5 years ago

Updating 1.9.8 to 1.9.9 fixes this.