rwtema / extrautilities_old_issues

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1.6.1 (MC 1.12.1) Broken Unbreakable TC tools irreparable #1686

Open Zulrik opened 6 years ago

Zulrik commented 6 years ago

If you have a Magical Wood component on your tool, it comes with the Magically Brittle status effect. That is, of course, intended. What I believe is NOT intended, is that if you add 5 reinforced plates to the same tool (so that it becomes unbreakable), it will not only break, but it will become entirely irreparable. Attached are some pictures of what happens. It's easiest to test with the shuriken, but I've tested it with other tools like the hammer and shovel. I've entirely updated both Forge (1.12.1- and Tinkers' Construct (1.12-, and removed all other mods that may interfere, and every attempted test has turned out the same - the Shuriken (again, for speed of the test) becomes broken, and I am unable to repair it, with none of the materials working. There was only one instance in all of my tests where I was able to repair it with 18 Magical Wood, but that was a rare exception.

2017-09-08_14 08 41 2017-09-08_14 08 50 2017-09-08_14 09 00

GQuan1975 commented 6 years ago

I have same issue. Problem is Magically brittle broke tool without make damage to the tool and after this tool cannot be repaired.

kylertoll commented 6 years ago

Same issue here. I've looked around at a few threads and know there's at least a few people having this issue.

Thorton101 commented 6 years ago

Sorry Tema, have the same issue. Direwolf20 1.12 - Pack Version 1.1.0.

xorinzor commented 6 years ago

Same happened with me, Modpack: All the Mods 3 (v5.1) - MC 1.12.2 - extrautils2-1.12-1.6.5

TechnoColt commented 6 years ago

While it is not ideal, I may have a temporary fix for anyone interested. I've yet to test it, but this should work. I've used NBTExplorer to remove the broken flag from the tool and change the "Magically Brittle" modifier to the "Stonebound" modifier, which is useless on an unbreakable tool. This should fix the tool while removing any chance of future breaks. If this does not work, the same method could be used to increase the number of available modifiers on the tool in order to replace the bugged material with something else.

EDIT: Better yet, I've just discovered you can delete the tag for the "Magically Brittle" modifier entirely.

Second EDIT: It seems that the tags which I deleted related to the tooltips displayed by Tinkers Construct, rather than the actual effects of the modifiers. Either that, or the brittle modifier was added back on when I upgraded from an iron pickaxe to a cobalt one. I was worried this might be the case. I'll keep digging, but this seems to be a dead end. If nothing else, you can use NBTExplorer to fix the tool.

NBTExplorer can be found here:

epilimic commented 6 years ago

Getting this also on DW20 1.12 version 1.1.0

remludar commented 6 years ago

Also got it in DW20 1.12 :(