Open Rumpelstiltskinny opened 6 years ago
I don't understand how this silverfish function relates to the quarry. Why is this happening and how do I fix it?
WARNING: coremods are present: CoreMod (Aroma1997Core-1.12.2- AppleCore (AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.1.0.jar) Inventory Tweaks Coremod (InventoryTweaks-1.63.jar) Better mobGriefing GameRule Core (bettermobgriefinggamerule-1.12.2-6.0.0.jar) LoadingPlugin (Quark-r1.4-120.jar) CXLibraryCore (cxlibrary-1.12.1-1.6.1.jar) IvToolkit (IvToolkit-1.3.3-1.12.jar) CTMCorePlugin (CTM-MC1.12- Plugin (NotEnoughIDs- MalisisCorePlugin (malisiscore-1.12.2-6.3.0.jar) BIFLoader (BowInfinityFix-1.11.x-1.12.x-rv5.jar) Contact their authors BEFORE contacting forge // Hi. I'm Minecraft, and I'm a crashaholic. Time: 12/17/17 1:56 PM Description: Ticking block entity java.lang.VerifyError: Bad local variable type Exception Details: Location: net/minecraft/entity/monster/EntitySilverfish$AISummonSilverfish.func_75246_d()V @128: aload_0 Reason: Type top (current frame, locals[0]) is not assignable to reference type Current Frame: bci: @128 flags: { } locals: { top, 'net/minecraft/world/World', 'java/util/Random', 'net/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos', integer, integer, integer, 'net/minecraft/util/math/BlockPos', 'net/minecraft/block/state/IBlockState' } stack: { } Bytecode: 0x0000000: 2a59 b400 1e04 64b5 001e 2ab4 001e 9d00 0x0000010: df2a b400 18b4 0025 4c2a b400 18b6 0029 0x0000020: 4dbb 002b 592a b400 18b7 002e 4e03 3604 0x0000030: 1504 08a3 00ba 1504 10fb a100 b303 3605 0x0000040: 1505 100a a300 9715 0510 f6a1 0090 0336 0x0000050: 0615 0610 0aa3 0074 1506 10f6 a100 6d2d 0x0000060: 1505 1504 1506 b600 363a 072b 1907 b600 0x0000070: 3a3a 0819 08b9 0040 0100 b200 46a6 003a 0x0000080: 2ab4 0018 b800 4c99 000e 2b19 0704 b600 0x0000090: 5057 a700 1b2b 1907 1908 b200 54b9 0058 0x00000a0: 0200 c000 0ab6 005c 06b6 0060 572c b600 0x00000b0: 6399 0006 a700 3915 069d 0007 04a7 0004 0x00000c0: 0315 0664 3606 a7ff 8b15 059d 0007 04a7 0x00000d0: 0004 0315 0564 3605 a7ff 6815 049d 0007 0x00000e0: 04a7 0004 0315 0464 3604 a7ff 46b1 Stackmap Table: full_frame(@48,{Top,Object[#48],Object[#50],Object[#43],Integer},{}) append_frame(@64,Integer) append_frame(@81,Integer) append_frame(@149,Object[#43],Object[#60]) chop_frame(@173,2) same_frame(@183) same_frame(@192) same_locals_1_stack_item_frame(@193,Integer) chop_frame(@201,1) same_frame(@210) same_locals_1_stack_item_frame(@211,Integer) chop_frame(@219,1) same_frame(@228) same_locals_1_stack_item_frame(@229,Integer) full_frame(@237,{},{}) at at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.<init>( at net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature.<init>(SourceFile:21) at<init>( at<init>(SourceFile:37) at net.minecraft.block.BlockSilverfish.func_180653_a(SourceFile:60) at net.minecraft.block.Block.func_176226_b( at net.minecraft.block.Block.func_180657_a( at at com.rwtema.extrautils2.quarry.TileQuarry.func_73660_a( at at at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( at at Source) A detailed walkthrough of the error, its code path and all known details is as follows: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Head -- Thread: Server thread Stacktrace: at at net.minecraft.entity.EntityLiving.<init>( at net.minecraft.entity.EntityCreature.<init>(SourceFile:21) at<init>( at<init>(SourceFile:37) at net.minecraft.block.BlockSilverfish.func_180653_a(SourceFile:60) at net.minecraft.block.Block.func_176226_b( at net.minecraft.block.Block.func_180657_a( at at com.rwtema.extrautils2.quarry.TileQuarry.func_73660_a( -- Block entity being ticked -- Details: Name: xu2:tilequarry // com.rwtema.extrautils2.quarry.TileQuarry Block type: ID #1010 (tile.extrautils2:quarry // com.rwtema.extrautils2.quarry.BlockQuarry) Block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000 Block location: World: (-76,61,141), Chunk: (at 4,3,13 in -5,8; contains blocks -80,0,128 to -65,255,143), Region: (-1,0; contains chunks -32,0 to -1,31, blocks -512,0,0 to -1,255,511) Actual block type: ID #1010 (tile.extrautils2:quarry // com.rwtema.extrautils2.quarry.BlockQuarry) Actual block data value: 0 / 0x0 / 0b0000 Stacktrace: at at -- Affected level -- Details: Level name: New World 12-12-17 All players: 1 total; [EntityPlayerMP['tony'/4447, l='New World 12-12-17', x=-74.71, y=65.00, z=134.48]] Chunk stats: ServerChunkCache: 618 Drop: 0 Level seed: -7956490117690895247 Level generator: ID 00 - default, ver 1. Features enabled: true Level generator options: Level spawn location: World: (-44,64,232), Chunk: (at 4,4,8 in -3,14; contains blocks -48,0,224 to -33,255,239), Region: (-1,0; contains chunks -32,0 to -1,31, blocks -512,0,0 to -1,255,511) Level time: 7585790 game time, 5498294 day time Level dimension: 0 Level storage version: 0x04ABD - Anvil Level weather: Rain time: 42456 (now: false), thunder time: 4727 (now: true) Level game mode: Game mode: survival (ID 0). Hardcore: false. Cheats: false Stacktrace: at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.dedicated.DedicatedServer.func_71190_q( at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.func_71217_p( at at Source) -- System Details -- Details: Minecraft Version: 1.12.2 Operating System: Windows 10 (amd64) version 10.0 Java Version: 1.8.0_144, Oracle Corporation Java VM Version: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation Memory: 259002360 bytes (247 MB) / 1250275328 bytes (1192 MB) up to 6372720640 bytes (6077 MB) JVM Flags: 6 total; -Xmx6G -XX:-UseVMInterruptibleIO -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalPacing -XX:ParallelGCThreads=8 -XX:+AggressiveOpts IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 12, tallocated: 94 FML: MCP 9.42 Powered by Forge 107 mods loaded, 107 mods active States: 'U' = Unloaded 'L' = Loaded 'C' = Constructed 'H' = Pre-initialized 'I' = Initialized 'J' = Post-initialized 'A' = Available 'D' = Disabled 'E' = Errored | State | ID | Version | Source | Signature | |:--------- |:------------------------- |:------------------------ |:--------------------------------------------- |:---------------------------------------- | | UCHIJAAAA | minecraft | 1.12.2 | minecraft.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | mcp | 9.42 | minecraft.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | FML | | forge-1.12.2- | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 | | UCHIJAAAA | forge | | forge-1.12.2- | e3c3d50c7c986df74c645c0ac54639741c90a557 | | UCHIJAAAA | ivtoolkit | 1.3.3-1.12 | minecraft.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | bowinfinityfix | rv5 | minecraft.jar | e250ba31147feb059b86cfd74ee61a8aeb88fb9b | | UCHIJAAAA | actuallyadditions | 1.12.2-r125 | ActuallyAdditions-1.12.2-r125.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | baubles | 1.5.1 | Baubles-1.12-1.5.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | actuallybaubles | 1.1 | ActuallyBaubles-1.12-1.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | applecore | 3.1.0 | AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.1.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | jei | | jei_1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | appleskin | 1.0.9 | AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.9.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | aroma1997core | | Aroma1997Core-1.12.2- | dfbfe4c473253d8c5652417689848f650b2cbe32 | | UCHIJAAAA | aromabackup | | AromaBackup-1.12.2- | dfbfe4c473253d8c5652417689848f650b2cbe32 | | UCHIJAAAA | aromabackuprecovery | | AromaBackup-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | quark | r1.4-120 | Quark-r1.4-120.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | autoreglib | 1.3-15 | AutoRegLib-1.3-15.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | bdlib | | bdlib- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | bettermobgriefinggamerule | 1.12.2-6.0.0 | bettermobgriefinggamerule-1.12.2-6.0.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | mantle | 1.12- | Mantle-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | natura | 1.12- | natura-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | forestry | | forestry_1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | binniecore | unspecified | binnie-mods-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | binniedesign | 1.0 | binnie-mods-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | genetics | | binnie-mods-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | botany | | binnie-mods-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | extrabees | | binnie-mods-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | extratrees | | binnie-mods-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | biomesoplenty | | BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | tconstruct | 1.12- | TConstruct-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | ceramics | 1.12-1.3.3b | Ceramics-1.12-1.3.3b.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | chameleon | 1.12-4.1.3 | Chameleon-1.12-4.1.3.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | chesttransporter | 2.8.7 | ChestTransporter-1.12-2.8.7.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | codechickenlib | | CodeChickenLib-1.12.2- | f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 | | UCHIJAAAA | chickenchunks | | ChickenChunks-1.12.2- | f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 | | UCHIJAAAA | redstoneflux | 2.0.1 | RedstoneFlux-1.12- | d4f1503fbacd9b9fb767720420c5395104239ec9 | | UCHIJAAAA | cofhcore | 4.3.6 | CoFHCore-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | cofhworld | 1.0.1 | CoFHWorld-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | cxlibrary | 1.6.1 | cxlibrary-1.12.1-1.6.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | densemetals | 1.0.2 | densemetals-1.12.2-1.0.2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | disenchanter | 1.5 | disenchanter-[1.12]1.5.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | eleccore | 1.8.433 | ElecCore-1.12.2-1.8.433.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | elevatorid | 1.3.5 | ElevatorMod-1.12.2-1.3.5.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | csb_ench_table | 1.1.2 | EnchantingTable-1.12-1.1.2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | enderstorage | | EnderStorage-1.12.2- | f1850c39b2516232a2108a7bd84d1cb5df93b261 | | UCHIJAAAA | enderzoo | 1.12.1- | EnderZoo-1.12.1- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | extrautils2 | 1.0 | extrautils2-1.12-1.7.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | exu2cer | 1.0 | exu2cer-1.12-1.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | fastleafdecay | v14 | FastLeafDecay-v14.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | tesla | 1.0.63 | Tesla-1.12.2-1.0.63.jar | d476d1b22b218a10d845928d1665d45fce301b27 | | UCHIJAAAA | gendustry | | gendustry- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | thermalfoundation | 2.3.6 | ThermalFoundation-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | advgenerators | | generators- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | harvestables | 1.2 | harvestables-1.2.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | helpfixer | 1.12.1-1.5.18 | HelpFixer-1.12.1-1.5.18.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | improvedbackpacks | 1.12- | ImprovedBackpacks-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | inventorytweaks | 1.63+release.109.220f184 | InventoryTweaks-1.63.jar | 55d2cd4f5f0961410bf7b91ef6c6bf00a766dcbe | | UCHIJAAAA | ironbackpacks | 1.12.2-3.0.1-2 | IronBackpacks-1.12.2-3.0.1-2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | ironchest | 1.12.2- | ironchest-1.12.2- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | jehc | 1.3.1 | jehc-1.12-1.3.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | journeymap | 1.12.2-5.5.2 | journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | justenoughbuttons | 1.12-1.2 | justenoughbuttons-1.12.2-1.2.2-5.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | malisiscore | 1.12.2-6.3.0 | malisiscore-1.12.2-6.3.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | malisisdoors | 1.12.2-7.2.2 | malisisdoors-1.12.2-7.2.2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | mcmultipart | 2.4.0 | MCMultiPart-2.4.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | mercurius_updater | 1.0 | MercuriusUpdater-1.12.2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | metamorph | 1.1.4 | metamorph-1.1.4-1.12.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | minecolonies | 1.12.2-0.8.5989 | minecolonies-universal-1.12.2-0.8.5989.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | naturescompass | 1.5.0 | NaturesCompass-1.12.2-1.5.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | nex | | NetherEx-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | netherportalfix | 5.3.13 | NetherPortalFix_1.12.1-5.3.13.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | nofov | 1.0.1 | NoFov-MC1.12-1.0.1.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | recipehandler | 0.9 | NoMoreRecipeConflict-0.9(1.12).jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | neid | | NotEnoughIDs- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | notenoughwands | 1.5.9 | notenoughwands-1.12-1.5.9.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | overpoweredarmorbar | 0.1.0 | overpoweredarmorbar-1.12.2-0.1.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | getalltheseeds | 1.12a | Pam's Get all the Seeds! 1.12a.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | harvestcraft | 1.12.2a | Pam's HarvestCraft 1.12.2a.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | twilightforest | 3.4.239 | twilightforest-1.12.2-3.4.239-universal.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | plants2 | 2.2.0 | Plants-2.2.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | projecte | 1.12-PE1.1.0 | ProjectE-1.12-PE1.1.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | plustic | | plustic- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | storagedrawers | 1.12-5.2.5 | StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.3.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | refinedstorage | 1.5.28 | refinedstorage-1.5.28.jar | 57893d5b90a7336e8c63fe1c1e1ce472c3d59578 | | UCHIJAAAA | refinedstorageaddons | 0.2 | refinedstorageaddons-0.2.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | rftools | 7.15 | rftools-1.12-7.15.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | rftoolscontrol | 1.6.9 | rftoolsctrl-1.12-1.6.9.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | rftoolsdim | 5.05 | rftoolsdim-1.12-5.05.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | roguelike | 1.8.0 | RoguelikeDungeons-1.12.2-1.8.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | ruins | 16.9 | Ruins-1.12.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | snad | 1.12.1- | Snad-1.12.1- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | solcarrot | 1.2.0 | solcarrot-1.12.1-1.2.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | stg | 1.12.2-1.2.3 | stg-1.12.2-1.2.3.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | storagedrawersextra | @VERSION@ | StorageDrawersExtras-1.12-3.1.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | theoneprobe | 1.4.19 | theoneprobe-1.12-1.4.19.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | thermalcultivation | 0.1.1 | ThermalCultivation-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | thermaldynamics | 2.3.6 | ThermalDynamics-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | thermalexpansion | 5.3.6 | ThermalExpansion-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | tinkertoolleveling | 1.12-1.0.3.DEV.56fac4f | TinkerToolLeveling-1.12-1.0.3.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | veinminer | 0.38.1 | VeinMiner-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | veinminermodsupport | 0.38.1 | VeinMiner-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | wanionlib | 1.12.2-1.3 | WanionLib-1.12.2-1.3.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | wirelesscharger | 1.12.2-1.0.4 | WirelessCharger-1.12.2-1.0.4.jar | aaaf83332a11df02406e9f266b1b65c1306f0f76 | | UCHIJAAAA | witherskelefix | 2.2.3 | Wither Skeleton Tweaks-1.12-2.2.3.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | xnet | 1.5.0 | xnet-1.12-1.5.0.jar | None | | UCHIJAAAA | zerocore | 1.12- | zerocore-1.12- | None | | UCHIJAAAA | unidict | 1.12.2-1.8 | UniDict-1.12.2-1.8.jar | None | Loaded coremods (and transformers): CoreMod (Aroma1997Core-1.12.2- AppleCore (AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.1.0.jar) squeek.applecore.asm.TransformerModuleHandler Inventory Tweaks Coremod (InventoryTweaks-1.63.jar) invtweaks.forge.asm.ContainerTransformer Better mobGriefing GameRule Core (bettermobgriefinggamerule-1.12.2-6.0.0.jar) com.judge40.minecraft.bettermobgriefinggamerule.asm.ClassTransformer LoadingPlugin (Quark-r1.4-120.jar) vazkii.quark.base.asm.ClassTransformer CXLibraryCore (cxlibrary-1.12.1-1.6.1.jar) cubex2.cxlibrary.CoreModTransformer IvToolkit (IvToolkit-1.3.3-1.12.jar) CTMCorePlugin (CTM-MC1.12- team.chisel.ctm.client.asm.CTMTransformer Plugin (NotEnoughIDs- ru.fewizz.neid.asm.Transformer MalisisCorePlugin (malisiscore-1.12.2-6.3.0.jar) BIFLoader (BowInfinityFix-1.11.x-1.12.x-rv5.jar) com.github.parker8283.bif.Transformer Pulsar/natura loaded Pulses: - NaturaCommons (Enabled/Forced) - NaturaOverworld (Enabled/Not Forced) - NaturaNether (Enabled/Not Forced) - NaturaDecorative (Enabled/Not Forced) - NaturaTools (Enabled/Not Forced) - NaturaEntities (Enabled/Not Forced) - NaturaOredict (Enabled/Forced) - NaturaWorld (Enabled/Not Forced) Pulsar/tconstruct loaded Pulses: - TinkerCommons (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerWorld (Enabled/Not Forced) - TinkerTools (Enabled/Not Forced) - TinkerHarvestTools (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerMeleeWeapons (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerRangedWeapons (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerModifiers (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerSmeltery (Enabled/Not Forced) - TinkerGadgets (Enabled/Not Forced) - TinkerOredict (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerIntegration (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerFluids (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerMaterials (Enabled/Forced) - TinkerModelRegister (Enabled/Forced) - theoneprobeIntegration (Enabled/Not Forced) List of loaded APIs: * actuallyadditionsapi (33) from ActuallyAdditions-1.12.2-r125.jar * AppleCoreAPI (3.1.0) from AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.1.0.jar * AromaBackupAPI (1.0) from AromaBackup-1.12.2- * Baubles|API ( from Baubles-1.12-1.5.1.jar * BetterWithModsAPI (Beta 0.6) from AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.9.jar * chesttransporter|api (2) from ChestTransporter-1.12-2.8.7.jar * cofhapi (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * cofhapi|block (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * cofhapi|core (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * cofhapi|item (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * cofhapi|tileentity (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * cofhapi|util (2.0.0) from CoFHCore-1.12- * ctm-api (0.1.0) from CTM-MC1.12- * ctm-api-events (0.1.0) from CTM-MC1.12- * ctm-api-models (0.1.0) from CTM-MC1.12- * ctm-api-textures (0.1.0) from CTM-MC1.12- * ctm-api-utils (0.1.0) from CTM-MC1.12- * ElecCoreAPI (1.0) from ElecCore-1.12.2-1.8.433.jar * ElecCore|Abilities (#API_VER#) from ElecCore-1.12.2-1.8.433.jar * ForestryAPI|apiculture (5.0.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|arboriculture (4.3.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|circuits (3.1.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|climate (5.0.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|core (5.7.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|farming (2.2.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|food (1.1.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|fuels (3.0.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|genetics (5.7.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|greenhouse (5.2.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|hives (4.1.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|lepidopterology (1.4.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|mail (3.1.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|modules (5.7.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|multiblock (3.0.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|recipes (5.4.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|storage (5.0.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * ForestryAPI|world (2.1.0) from forestry_1.12.2- * gendustryAPI (2.3.0) from gendustry- * journeymap|client-api (1.4) from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2.jar * journeymap|client-api-display (1.4) from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2.jar * journeymap|client-api-event (1.4) from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2.jar * journeymap|client-api-model (1.4) from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2.jar * journeymap|client-api-util (1.4) from journeymap-1.12.2-5.5.2.jar * JustEnoughItemsAPI (4.13.0) from jei_1.12.2- * mcjtylib_ng (2.5.0) from mcjtylib-1.12-2.5.0.jar * MouseTweaks|API (1.0) from MouseTweaks-2.8-mc1.12.1.jar * projecteapi (1.11.2-1.0.0) from ProjectE-1.12-PE1.1.0.jar * QuarkAPI (1) from Quark-r1.4-120.jar * StorageDrawersAPI (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.3.jar * StorageDrawersAPI|event (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.3.jar * StorageDrawersAPI|registry (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.3.jar * StorageDrawersAPI|render (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.3.jar * StorageDrawersAPI|storage (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.3.jar * StorageDrawersAPI|storage-attribute (2.1.0) from StorageDrawers-1.12.1-5.3.3.jar * theoneprobe_api (1.4.4) from theoneprobe-1.12-1.4.19.jar * veinminerApi (0.3) from VeinMiner-1.12- * zerocore|API|multiblock (1.10.2-0.0.2) from zerocore-1.12- * zerocore|API|multiblock|rectangular (1.10.2-0.0.2) from zerocore-1.12- * zerocore|API|multiblock|tier (1.10.2-0.0.2) from zerocore-1.12- * zerocore|API|multiblock|validation (1.10.2-0.0.2) from zerocore-1.12- Profiler Position: N/A (disabled) Player Count: 1 / 5; [EntityPlayerMP['tony'/4447, l='New World 12-12-17', x=-74.71, y=65.00, z=134.48]] Is Modded: Definitely; Server brand changed to 'fml,forge' Type: Dedicated Server (map_server.txt)```
Happens on 1.10.2 as well, except I get a ticking player crash
The ticking player is because unstable ingots is a tad unstable in the build. Disabling it in the configs will let you load the world fine.
I don't understand how this silverfish function relates to the quarry. Why is this happening and how do I fix it?