rxdi / firelink

Firebase. gcloud and monorepos are not combining very well until they met @rxdi/firelink
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feat(--no-runner): added command to do the copy magic without running command at the end #47

Closed Stradivario closed 2 years ago

Stradivario commented 2 years ago



Introduced argument called --no-runner which will stop from executing firebase or specified inside fireConfig.runner other command. This functionality introduces a way to use the magic of firebase without running actual command at the end.

Type of change


With argument no-runner no actual script will be executed after the copy logic. This will help us to benefit from the firelink to do his magic without running a command firebase or other specified inside fireConfig.runner. This way we can use the logic for firelink only to prepare the environment and change package.json with appropriate installation directory configured inside fireDependencies. It is recommended to be used with --leave-changes since it will create a temporary file called package-temp.json in order at some point to revert the side effects from running the command:

firelink --no-runner --leave-changes

Revert the changes made inside package.json

firelink --no-runner --revert-changes