rxhanson / Rectangle

Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
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Fix initial Todo shortcuts display #1083

Closed decodism closed 1 year ago

decodism commented 1 year ago
rxhanson commented 1 year ago

Thanks for following up on that issue.

On the initial initial shortcut display, there was intention behind having it that way, but I agree that it feels like a bug.

By only initializing the shortcut when Todo mode was added to the menu, Rectangle wasn't adding a keyboard shortcut unless the user showed intent to use Todo mode. Todo mode wasn't in the initial feature set, and I didn't secretly bind a keyboard shortcut if the user did not show interest (and some users just don't go through the settings tab).

Since a user would still have to enable todo mode in the menu in order to set the todo application, it's actually acceptable to me to leave it the way it was before this change. Since the shortcuts aren't cleared when todo mode is removed from the menu, it is straightforward that those shortcuts are still registered. With your change, the shortcuts are displayed but not registered until after the user adds todo mode to the menu, and they aren't unregistered if todo mode is removed. All this feels a little nitpicky, but I think it makes sense to make it as straightforward as possible at this time.

I'm good with either leaving it the way it was prior to this change, or revising the registering and unregistering of the todo mode shortcuts to be clear when they are in effect. (Or I'm open to any other suggestions). If you wanted to make those changes, that's great, and if not then I don't mind making the changes. Thanks!

decodism commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure I follow you, but here's what I did:

rxhanson commented 1 year ago

Thanks! This covers the edge case I was concerned with - the case where a user might be confused about a keyboard shortcut binding that either isn't active or is unintentionally active.