rxhanson / Rectangle

Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
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居中功能中,可以增加调整窗口大小功能吗? #1102

Closed jiaoting closed 1 year ago

jiaoting commented 1 year ago

目前居中功能,只能把窗口居中,不能直接调整大小,能否增加一个功能,使窗口自动居中,并且自动改变窗口大小?主要利用这个功能,快速整理窗口大小 macOS version:mac 13 Rectangle version:0.66 Logs if applicable (In Rectangle menu, hold option, "View Logging..."):

rxhanson commented 1 year ago

Is this what you are looking for?


jiaoting commented 1 year ago


jiaoting commented 1 year ago


rxhanson commented 1 year ago

Rectangle’s UI is intentionally not complex.

Rectangle Pro is where I’ve added in a lot more features to the UI, like a custom shortcut builder. Rectangle Pro is not yet localized, though, but I have plans to localize it later this year.