rxhanson / Rectangle

Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
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Window Snap Functionality Fails in Stage Manager Mode Post MacOS Update #1200

Open PANXIONG-CN opened 1 year ago

PANXIONG-CN commented 1 year ago

I am currently encountering an issue with the Rectangle app after upgrading to the latest MacOS. In Stage Manager mode, when I try to drag a window to the left, it doesn't snap and split screen as it's supposed to. Instead, it gets incorporated into the Stage Manager interface.

This issue seems to be consistently happening whenever I attempt to drag and snap windows. It's quite disruptive to my workflow, especially as I heavily rely on the split-screen functionality for multitasking.

If there's any additional information or debugging data you need to help resolve this issue, please let me know and I will do my best to provide it.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

rxhanson commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting. I am not able to reproduce this, except for with windows that I pull out of stage manager then move back in without dropping. Perhaps a screen recording would help? You can also view logs by opening the menu bar menu, holding option, and selecting "View Logging..."

ubuntudroid commented 9 months ago

I found this mostly happens when having multiple windows open. Logs stay empty.

ubuntudroid commented 9 months ago

Ah, I should add that I am on an external monitor with the connected MacBook's lid being closed. Maybe that helps with reproduction?

jpatrolla commented 8 months ago

edit: also, make sure if you've just installed pro that your original rectangle instance isn't running lol


Hi gang. Had a similar problem. Try changing the following setting to 'Do Nothing':


System Settings > Desktop & Dock > Double-click a window's title bar to Do Nothing

Seems to be fixed so far for me. Hope that helps

FluffyCheeks commented 8 months ago

edit: also, make sure if you've just installed pro that your original rectangle instance isn't running lol


Hi gang. Had a similar problem. Try changing the following setting to 'Do Nothing':


System Settings > Desktop & Dock > Double-click a window's title bar to Do Nothing

Seems to be fixed so far for me. Hope that helps

This fixed snapping not working for me after trying a few other suggestions. Thanks!

mischa-hildebrand commented 8 months ago

I can reproduce this issue reliably. For me, it only occurs when having multiple windows grouped and then trying to move one of those windows to the left edge of the screen. It always minimized into the stage manager thumbnail.