rxhanson / Rectangle

Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
25.13k stars 744 forks source link

Custom height/width properties for Almost Maximize don't do anything #1205

Closed olive20xx closed 11 months ago

olive20xx commented 11 months ago

I followed the instructions for changing the default props (including restarting the app), but Almost Maximize still uses the 90% / 90% sizes. I also tried rebooting, but that didn't help.

macOS version: 13.4.1 Rectangle version: 0.69 (75) Logs if applicable (In Rectangle menu, hold option, "View Logging..."):

2023-07-15T14:21:47+02:00: AX sizing proposed: (1555.0, 971.0), result: (1555.0, 971.0)
2023-07-15T14:21:47+02:00: AX position proposed: (87.0, 92.0), result: (87.0, 92.0)
2023-07-15T14:21:47+02:00: AX sizing proposed: (1555.0, 971.0), result: (1555.0, 971.0)
2023-07-15T14:21:47+02:00: almostMaximize | display: (0.0, 0.0, 1728.0, 1079.0), calculatedRect: (87.0, 92.0, 1555.0, 971.0), resultRect: (87.0, 92.0, 1555.0, 971.0), srcScreen: Built-in Retina Display, destScreen: Built-in Retina Display, resultScreen: Built-in Retina Display


    "NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlert" = "554 510 620 398 0 0 1728 1079 ";
    "NSWindow Frame SUUpdateAlertSmall" = "554 684 620 169 0 0 1728 1079 ";
    SUEnableAutomaticChecks = 1;
    SUHasLaunchedBefore = 1;
    SULastCheckTime = "2023-07-14 08:07:27 +0000";
    SUUpdateGroupIdentifier = 1187396026;
    almostMaximize =     {
        keyCode = 39;
        modifierFlags = 786432;
    almostMaximizeHeight = 50;
    almostMaximizeWidth = 70;
    alternateDefaultShortcuts = 1;
    centerHalf =     {
        keyCode = 7;
        modifierFlags = 786432;
    hideMenubarIcon = 0;
    landscapeSnapAreas = null;
    lastVersion = 75;
    launchOnLogin = 1;
    nextDisplay =     {
    portraitSnapAreas = null;
    previousDisplay =     {
    reflowTodo =     {
        keyCode = 45;
        modifierFlags = 786432;
    subsequentExecutionMode = 1;
    toggleTodo =     {
        keyCode = 11;
        modifierFlags = 786432;
rxhanson commented 11 months ago

These values need to be between 0 & 1.

defaults write com.knollsoft.Rectangle almostMaximizeHeight -float 0.5

defaults write com.knollsoft.Rectangle almostMaximizeWidth -float 0.7
olive20xx commented 11 months ago

Oops, I'm dumb. I remember reading that and apparently it just glided right off my brain. Sorry/thanks!