rxhanson / Rectangle

Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
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Config is not synced from ~/Library/Application Support/Rectangle/RectangleConfig.json #1246

Closed joeyorlando closed 1 month ago

joeyorlando commented 10 months ago

macOS version: 14.0 Rectangle version: 0.70 (76) Logs if applicable (In Rectangle menu, hold option, "View Logging..."):

The documentation states:

Upon launch, Rectangle will load a config file at ~/Library/Application Support/Rectangle/RectangleConfig.json if it is present and will rename that file with a time/date stamp so that it isn't read on subsequent launches.

However, I've made some changes to the shortcuts, exported the .json config from Rectangle, symlinked it to ~/Library/Application Support/Rectangle/RectangleConfig.json and then reloaded Rectangle. It appears that everytime I restart Rectangle it loses all of my config/preferences.

rxhanson commented 10 months ago

Thanks for reporting. Does it work if you copy the file instead of symlinking it?

joeyorlando commented 10 months ago

So I changed a few settings in the Preferences UI, exported the config file then tried the following:

cp RectangleConfig.json ~/Library/Application\\\ Support/Rectangle/RectangleConfig.json

but still no luck

mr-narender commented 9 months ago


I can confirm this behavior, config file is being renamed with datetime stamp. its very annoying to reload all config all the time.

BTW, I tried RectanglePro and that seems to be working fine.

rxhanson commented 9 months ago

The logic in Pro for this is identical. If it works there but not in Rectangle, do you have any other differences that might affect this?

mr-narender commented 9 months ago

@rxhanson not on top of my head, No. I just installed Pro, followed by set my config as I wanted then to be and restarted couple of time and it was still working.

Also, I just happen to uninstall (and delete any leftover configuration and settings along with) and then reinstalled Rectangle, and it seems to remember my setting.

@joeyorlando can you try this (if you haven't already).

anyways, I will keep a tap in case this changes, I will post an update.

joeyorlando commented 9 months ago

Still no luck after the following.

brew uninstall rectangle
brew install --cask rectangle
# open Rectangle, make a change to one of the keyboard shortcuts, confirm it works, close the application, reopen it and the keyboard shortcuts are reset

This is running Version 0.73 (79)

mr-narender commented 9 months ago


umm, just to add, I tried with --zap https://docs.brew.sh/Manpage#uninstall-remove-rm-options-installed_formulainstalled_cask-

brew remove --zap rectangle 
brew install --cask rectangle

apologies, if I was not very explicit initially.

joeyorlando commented 9 months ago

interesting, it seems that uninstalling w/ the --zap flag and reinstalling fixes it 🤔 thanks for the tip @mr-narender

mr-narender commented 9 months ago

no problem :) , glad I could help @joeyorlando

a0s commented 4 months ago

@mr-narender very helpful hint about --zap, this should be in README.md !

mr-narender commented 4 months ago

Sure no problem @a0s :)