rxhanson / Rectangle

Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
25.1k stars 742 forks source link

Next / Previous displays are out of actual order #1272

Open nivmorabin opened 9 months ago

nivmorabin commented 9 months ago

My displays are ordered this way with the built in display at the bottom in the middle: image

I was working with spectacle until now and wanted to give rectangle a try, but it seems that the Next / Previous display shortcut in rectangle takes the order of the displays according to the order that the mac orders them


So If I want to move a window from my left display to the right display, instead of the window moving to the middle display and then to the right display - it moves to the middle display, the bottom display and then the right display.

Meaning that instead of this order 1-2-3 --4

It's this order 1-2-4 --3

I'm using spectacle by the way and it's working as expected, hopefully there's a fix for this...

Thanks a lot ahead, Niv

macOS version: 14.0 Rectangle version: Version 0.73 (79) Logs if applicable (In Rectangle menu, hold option, "View Logging..."):

rxhanson commented 8 months ago

Just wanted to say that I haven't forgotten about this one - I just haven't had a chance to dig into it. Thanks for reporting it!

0xSmit commented 6 months ago

I'm also facing the same issue, I have 4 displays and it takes the order given assigned by MAC rather than the actual order.

Thanks, really appreciate the open source app.

Jacobknew commented 2 months ago

+1, I'm also affected by this. For me, the displays match the original order I had them in, but I have moved the displays and Rectangle is not updating the order. Quitting and re-opening Rectangle did not seem to change this.

App: Version 0.76 (82) macOS: 14.4.1 (23E224)
