rxhanson / Rectangle

Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas
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hope to be able to continue using the drag-and-snap #1304

Open hnynf opened 6 months ago

hnynf commented 6 months ago

When I ignore a certain software, I still hope to be able to continue using the drag-and-snap window functionality. After installing the latest version, I lost this feature.


rxhanson commented 6 months ago

You can get back to how it was done prior to v0.70 with the following Terminal command:

defaults write com.knollsoft.Rectangle ignoreDragSnapToo -int 2

Then restart the app.

Makki93 commented 6 months ago

I don't know if i'm right here. I lost the dragging and snapping function since either rectangle or macOS update and i don't know how to get it back. I tried this command in the terminal and restarted. Still doesn't work. Currently, i can only use the shortcuts.

rxhanson commented 6 months ago

@Makki93 I think this is the issue you're looking for: https://github.com/rxhanson/Rectangle/issues/1294