rxhanson / RectanglePro-Community

Bug reports and discussion for the Rectangle Pro app
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Feature Request: Cascade windows while maintaining sizes or adjust sizes of cascaded windows. #468

Open bigplayer-ai opened 5 months ago

bigplayer-ai commented 5 months ago

Request: Cascade windows while maintaining sizes or adjust sizes of cascaded windows.

Is there a way to cascade windows while maintaining their sizes or adjust the sizes of cascaded windows?

rxhanson commented 1 month ago

This Terminal command will make the cascade take up the display.

defaults write com.knollsoft.Hookshot cascadeVersion -int 2

These Terminal commands are for specifying the size of the windows.

defaults write com.knollsoft.Hookshot cascadeVersion -int 1
defaults write com.knollsoft.Hookshot cascadeWidth -int 500
defaults write com.knollsoft.Hookshot cascadeHeight -int 500

Restart the app after executing.