rxi / lite

A lightweight text editor written in Lua
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[Improvement] Open file from project with last searched filename #278

Open ghost opened 3 years ago

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hi, could you please consider to show last searched filename in Open File From Project command?


  1. I press Ctrl+P and I search for MyWidget.cpp
  2. I edit file, save and press Ctrl+P
  3. And I would like to see last searched filename (MyWidget.cpp)
  4. It will help me to move to MyWidget.h easily

Now Open File From Project command is empty every time when I press Ctrl+P so I need to type MyWidget once again and then select MyWidget.h

This feature is not related to cpp/h files only. For example in AngularJS, Angular and other modern frameworks there are similar situations, eg.:

home-view.js home-view.css home-view.html

Thank you Slawek

francesco-st commented 3 years ago

Hi, the author of lite-xl here.

I implemented the improvement you propose here some time ago in lite-xl because it is very useful.

You may consider trying lite-xl from:


It includes a number of improvements.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Hi Francesco

nice, I will try! And thanks for an answer - it's so hard to get any answer in open source world.