rxlabz / panache

🎨 Flutter Material Theme editor
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Keeps breaking in web with below error #36

Open braj065 opened 4 years ago

braj065 commented 4 years ago

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dv' of null at Object.cj (main.dart.js:2645) at G1.ri (main.dart.js:19133) at Dx.$1 (main.dart.js:18040) at ai0 (main.dart.js:1961) at HTMLElement. (main.dart.js:1969) DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for https://rxlabz.github.io/panache/main.dart.js.map: HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE

axu6705 commented 4 years ago


flipch commented 4 years ago

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dv' of null at Object.cj (main.dart.js:2645) at G1.ri (main.dart.js:19133) at Dx.$1 (main.dart.js:18040) at ai0 (main.dart.js:1961) at HTMLElement. (main.dart.js:1969) cj @ main.dart.js:2645 ri @ main.dart.js:19133 $1 @ main.dart.js:18040 ai0 @ main.dart.js:1961 (anonymous) @ main.dart.js:1969

justjew commented 4 years ago

also to me

kleeb commented 4 years ago


kleeb commented 4 years ago

clone this repo and run it locally, works with the latest Flutter https://github.com/kleeb/panache

MilanObrenovic commented 3 years ago


how to run that repo locally?

kleeb commented 3 years ago
cd panache_web
flutter run -d chrome
MilanObrenovic commented 3 years ago
cd panache_web
flutter run -d chrome

nothing seems to happen when i click the download button, the theme doesnt get generated. any idea?

mjablecnik commented 3 years ago

@milanobrenovic You need enable web development on your localhost by commands:

flutter channel beta
flutter upgrade
flutter config --enable-web

and install chrome browser

then command flutter run -d chrome will work..

For more informations check web page: https://flutter.dev/docs/get-started/web

braino15 commented 3 years ago

Theme gets generated for me, when locally tried but not able to download theme class due to below error

errors.dart:163 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Assertion failed: org-dartlang-sdk:///dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/private/ddc_runtime/types.dart:131:7 isJsObject(f) || !JS('bool', '# instanceof #.Function', f, global) "Dart function requires allowInterop to be passed to JavaScript." at Object.throw_ [as throw] (errors.dart:212) at Object.assertFailed (errors.dart:24) at Object.assertInterop (types.dart:132) at exportTheme (main.dart:59) at exportTheme.next () at runBody (async_patch.dart:84) at Object._async [as async] (async_patch.dart:123) at web_theme_service.WebThemeService.new.exportTheme (main.dart:57) at web_theme_service.WebThemeService.new.exportTheme (web_theme_service.dart:55) at theme_model.ThemeModel.new.exportTheme (theme_model.dart:103) at editor_topbar_web.WebPanacheEditorTopbar.new.saveTheme (editor_topbar_web.dart:71) at ink_well._InkResponseState.new.[_handleTap] (ink_well.dart:993) at ink_well.dart:1111 at tap.TapGestureRecognizer.new.invokeCallback (recognizer.dart:183) at tap.TapGestureRecognizer.new.handleTapUp (tap.dart:598) at tap.TapGestureRecognizer.new.[_checkUp] (tap.dart:287) at tap.TapGestureRecognizer.new.handlePrimaryPointer (tap.dart:222) at tap.TapGestureRecognizer.new.handleEvent (recognizer.dart:476) at pointer_router.PointerRouter.new.[_dispatch] (pointer_router.dart:77) at pointer_router.dart:122 at LinkedMap.new.forEach (linked_hash_map.dart:21) at pointer_router.PointerRouter.new.[_dispatchEventToRoutes] (pointer_router.dart:120) at pointer_router.PointerRouter.new.route (pointer_router.dart:106) at binding$5.WidgetsFlutterBinding.new.handleEvent (binding.dart:219) at binding$5.WidgetsFlutterBinding.new.dispatchEvent (binding.dart:199) at binding$5.WidgetsFlutterBinding.new.[_handlePointerEvent] (binding.dart:157) at binding$5.WidgetsFlutterBinding.new.[_flushPointerEventQueue] (binding.dart:103) at binding$5.WidgetsFlutterBinding.new.[_handlePointerDataPacket] (binding.dart:87) at Object._invoke1 (window.dart:776) at _engine.EngineWindow.new.invokeOnPointerDataPacket (window.dart:377) at _engine.PointerBinding.__.[_onPointerData] (pointer_binding.dart:129) at pointer_binding.dart:479 at pointer_binding.dart:440 at pointer_binding.dart:210

Any suggestions?