rxrbln / t2sde

T2 SDE Linux
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Create `CONTRIBUTING.md` to capture how to contribute #171

Open kidharb opened 1 month ago

kidharb commented 1 month ago

There are various ways to contribute to the project, ie sending a patch on email / discord or even through a pull request on Github. This document should list the various ways to contribute and also list the preferred contribution method. It should also mentions that contributions are very welcome

rxrbln commented 1 month ago

Contributing to T2 is super easy. Unlike many big name projects, we accept patches in any way shape or form. Just edit what you would like: fixing a typo, a bug, implementing a new package or features and run git diff or svn diff and send the resulting patch difference file to us via e-maill, GitHub issues, Discord, or other social media means. Preferable not mangling white-spaces, but even partially corrupted patches (from inline emails or web pasts) we usually try to fixup during review.

We will add this soon to a contributing file. What else should we list in it, help and guide newcomers?

kidharb commented 1 month ago

Are there tests that we can run on the patch before submitting?

rxrbln commented 1 month ago

given how long most builds take not really. - except of course we expect updates and new packages to be test built ;-)