rxseger / homebridge-camera-motion

Motion detector camera plugin for Homebridge
MIT License
48 stars 9 forks source link

CameraMotion Platform Plugin starting null #3

Closed MrsDelish closed 7 years ago

MrsDelish commented 7 years ago

Hi, I can't seem to get your plugin to work, (I followed your guide https://medium.com/@rxseger/home-automation-with-raspberry-pi-homebridge-f5ad9c4942c5#.ljgkhahfw). Homebridge only shows the last picture generated from when i started motion.

motion runs fine if I start it by it self, it shows on http://raspberrypi.local:8081/ and detects motion.

I run on a raspberry pi 3b, with a fresh Jessie Lite and camera module v2 This is the ffmpeg I have installed. ffmpeg LIBAVCODEC_BUILD 3670016 LIBAVFORMAT_BUILD 3670272

Any suggestions to what I could try?

~/.motion/motion.conf: videodevice /dev/video0 stream_port 8081 stream_localhost off despeckle EedDl smart_mask_speed 0 webcontrol_localhost off webcontrol_port 8082 rotate 180 height 1080 width 1920 output_pictures off on_picture_save printf '%f\t%n\t%v\t%i\t%J\t%K\t%L\t%N\t%D\n' > /tmp/motion-pipe target_dir /tmp

~/.homebridge/config.json: { "bridge": { "name": "Homebridge Pi", "username": "", "port": 51826, "pin": "" }, "accessories": [{ "accessory": "PiTemperature", "name": "Raspberry PI Temperature" }], "platforms": [{ "platform": "CameraMotion", "name": "Pi Camera", "name_motion": "Motion Sensor", "motion_pipe": "/tmp/motion-pipe", "motion_timeout": 2000, "snapshot_path": "/tmp/lastsnap.jpg" }] }

Homebridge startup output: `[12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-camera-motion [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] Registering platform 'homebridge-camera-motion.CameraMotion' [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] --- [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] Loaded plugin: homebridge-pi [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] Registering accessory 'homebridge-pi.PiTemperature' [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] --- [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] Loaded config.json with 1 accessories and 1 platforms. [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] --- [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] Loading 1 platforms... [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] [Pi Camera] Initializing CameraMotion platform... [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] [Pi Camera] CameraMotion Platform Plugin starting { platform: 'CameraMotion', name: 'Pi Camera', name_motion: 'Motion Sensor', motion_pipe: '/tmp/motion-pipe', motion_timeout: 2000, snapshot_path: '/tmp/lastsnap.jpg' } [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] [Pi Camera] CameraMotion accessory starting [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] [Pi Camera] Initializing platform accessory 'Motion Sensor'... [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] Loading 1 accessories... [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] [Raspberry PI Temperature] Initializing PiTemperature accessory... [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] [Raspberry PI Temperature] Model BCM2709/a02082 Serial 00000000859b11d8 Load homebridge-camera-motion.CameraMotion [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] [homebridge-camera-motion.CameraMotion] CameraMotion Platform Plugin starting null Scan this code with your HomeKit App on your iOS device to pair with Homebridge:

│  │     

uuid= [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] [Pi Camera] published camera [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] Homebridge is running on port 51826. [12/23/2016, 8:59:24 PM] Pi Camera is running on port 39701.`

MrsDelish commented 7 years ago

Solved by upgrading to node version 7.3 (latest stable)

these node.js versions did not work for me 4.3.2 4.5 6.9.2 lts