ryakel / stream-harvestarr

A Sonarr companion script to allow the automatic downloading of web series normally not available for Sonarr to search for. Using yt-dlp it allows you to download your webseries from the list of supported sites.
GNU General Public License v3.0
5 stars 0 forks source link

Several issues #54

Open tordenflesk opened 1 week ago

tordenflesk commented 1 week ago

Season/Episode format set in Sonarr are not being respected. Only a small segment is being downloaded.


2024-06-28 18:23:43,844 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Initial run
2024-06-28 18:23:43,845 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Configuration Found. Loading file.
2024-06-28 18:23:43,847 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Scan interval set to every 1 minutes by config.yml
2024-06-28 18:23:43,847 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - DEBUGGING ENABLED
2024-06-28 18:23:43,847 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Sonarr api set to v4
2024-06-28 18:23:43,847 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin call Sonarr for all available series
2024-06-28 18:23:43,848 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin GET with url:
2024-06-28 18:23:44,023 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin call Sonarr for all episodes for series_id: 490
2024-06-28 18:23:44,023 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin GET with url:
2024-06-28 18:23:44,023 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin GET with params: {'seriesId': 490}
2024-06-28 18:23:44,033 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Nytt på Nytt Quiz missing 1 episodes
2024-06-28 18:23:44,033 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -   1: Nytt på Nytt Quiz - TBA
2024-06-28 18:23:44,033 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Processing Wanted Downloads
2024-06-28 18:23:44,033 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -   Nytt på Nytt Quiz:
2024-06-28 18:23:44,034 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - yt-dlp opts used for episode matching
2024-06-28 18:23:44,035 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - {'ignoreerrors': True, 'playlistreverse': True, 'matchtitle': 'TBA', 'quiet': False, 'match-filter': '!is_short & !url =~ /shorts/', 'logger': <utils.YoutubeDLLogger object at 0x7fbb0573fec0>, 'progress_hooks': [<function ytdl_hooks at 0x7fbb04282e80>]}
2024-06-28 18:23:44,432 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRKTVSeries] Extracting URL: https://tv.nrk.no/serie/nytt-paa-nytt-quiz
2024-06-28 18:23:44,432 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRKTVSeries] nytt-paa-nytt-quiz: Downloading serie JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:44,555 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading playlist: Nytt på nytt-quiz
2024-06-28 18:23:44,564 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRKTVSeries] Playlist Nytt på nytt-quiz: Downloading 10 items of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:44,564 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 1 of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:44,565 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:KMNO10004324
2024-06-28 18:23:44,565 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:44,608 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:44,680 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:44,731 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:23:44,732 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 2 of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:44,732 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005124
2024-06-28 18:23:44,733 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:44,767 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:44,841 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:44,874 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:44,900 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 3. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:23:44,900 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 3 of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:44,901 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005224
2024-06-28 18:23:44,901 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:44,942 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:44,996 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,033 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,058 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 10. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:23:45,059 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 4 of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:45,059 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005324
2024-06-28 18:23:45,059 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,100 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:45,150 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,182 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,205 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 16. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:23:45,205 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 5 of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:45,206 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005424
2024-06-28 18:23:45,206 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,246 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:45,320 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,361 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,385 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 24. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:23:45,386 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 6 of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:45,386 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005524
2024-06-28 18:23:45,387 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,447 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:45,505 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,537 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,560 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 31. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:23:45,561 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 7 of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:45,561 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005624
2024-06-28 18:23:45,561 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,594 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:45,666 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,702 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,728 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 7. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:23:45,729 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 8 of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:45,729 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005724
2024-06-28 18:23:45,729 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,769 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:45,829 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,861 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,895 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 14. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:23:45,896 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 9 of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:45,896 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005824
2024-06-28 18:23:45,896 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:45,933 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:45,993 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:46,026 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:46,052 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 21. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:23:46,052 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 10 of 10
2024-06-28 18:23:46,053 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005924
2024-06-28 18:23:46,053 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:46,088 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:46,144 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:46,177 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:46,200 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - I dag 28. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:23:46,201 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Finished downloading playlist: Nytt på nytt-quiz
2024-06-28 18:23:46,207 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -     1: Found - TBA:
2024-06-28 18:23:46,207 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - yt-dlp opts used for downloading
2024-06-28 18:23:46,207 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - {'format': 'bestvideo[width<=1920]+bestaudio/best[width<=1920]', 'quiet': False, 'merge-output-format': 'mp4', 'outtmpl': '/sonarr_root/DATA03/media/tv/Nytt på Nytt Quiz (2024) [tvdbid-449469]/Season 1/Nytt på Nytt Quiz - S1E9 - TBA WEBDL.%(ext)s', 'progress_hooks': [<function ytdl_hooks_debug at 0x7fbb04282ac0>], 'noplaylist': True, 'logger': <utils.YoutubeDLLogger object at 0x7fbb05beee40>}
2024-06-28 18:23:46,308 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:KMNO10004324
2024-06-28 18:23:46,308 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:46,400 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:23:46,438 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:23:46,496 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [info] KMNO10004324: Downloading 1 format(s): 2270+aud2-Unknown
2024-06-28 18:23:46,508 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] /sonarr_root/DATA03/media/tv/Nytt på Nytt Quiz (2024) [tvdbid-449469]/Season 1/Nytt på Nytt Quiz - S1E9 - TBA WEBDL.mp4 has already been downloaded
2024-06-28 18:23:46,523 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin call Sonarr to rescan for series_id: 490
2024-06-28 18:23:46,523 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin PUT with url:
2024-06-28 18:23:46,559 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -       Downloaded - TBA
2024-06-28 18:23:46,559 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Waiting...
2024-06-28 18:24:46,577 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Configuration Found. Loading file.
2024-06-28 18:24:46,583 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Default scan interval of every 1 minutes in use
2024-06-28 18:24:46,583 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - DEBUGGING ENABLED
2024-06-28 18:24:46,583 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Sonarr api set to v4
2024-06-28 18:24:46,584 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin call Sonarr for all available series
2024-06-28 18:24:46,584 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin GET with url:
2024-06-28 18:24:46,769 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin call Sonarr for all episodes for series_id: 490
2024-06-28 18:24:46,770 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin GET with url:
2024-06-28 18:24:46,770 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin GET with params: {'seriesId': 490}
2024-06-28 18:24:46,774 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Nytt på Nytt Quiz missing 1 episodes
2024-06-28 18:24:46,774 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -   1: Nytt på Nytt Quiz - TBA
2024-06-28 18:24:46,775 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Processing Wanted Downloads
2024-06-28 18:24:46,775 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -   Nytt på Nytt Quiz:
2024-06-28 18:24:46,775 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - yt-dlp opts used for episode matching
2024-06-28 18:24:46,775 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - {'ignoreerrors': True, 'playlistreverse': True, 'matchtitle': 'TBA', 'quiet': False, 'match-filter': '!is_short & !url =~ /shorts/', 'logger': <utils.YoutubeDLLogger object at 0x7fbb03b5d8b0>, 'progress_hooks': [<function ytdl_hooks at 0x7fbb04282e80>]}
2024-06-28 18:24:46,869 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRKTVSeries] Extracting URL: https://tv.nrk.no/serie/nytt-paa-nytt-quiz
2024-06-28 18:24:46,870 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRKTVSeries] nytt-paa-nytt-quiz: Downloading serie JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,047 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading playlist: Nytt på nytt-quiz
2024-06-28 18:24:47,050 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRKTVSeries] Playlist Nytt på nytt-quiz: Downloading 10 items of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:47,051 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 1 of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:47,051 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:KMNO10004324
2024-06-28 18:24:47,051 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,094 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:47,162 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,205 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:24:47,205 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 2 of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:47,206 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005124
2024-06-28 18:24:47,206 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,240 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:47,303 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,334 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,357 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 3. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:24:47,357 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 3 of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:47,357 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005224
2024-06-28 18:24:47,358 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,413 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:47,468 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,501 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,526 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 10. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:24:47,527 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 4 of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:47,527 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005324
2024-06-28 18:24:47,528 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,565 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:47,614 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,644 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,670 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 16. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:24:47,671 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 5 of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:47,671 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005424
2024-06-28 18:24:47,671 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,704 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:47,769 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,801 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,824 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 24. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:24:47,824 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 6 of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:47,825 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005524
2024-06-28 18:24:47,825 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,869 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:47,935 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,973 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:47,997 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 31. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:24:47,997 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 7 of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:47,998 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005624
2024-06-28 18:24:47,998 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,033 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:48,093 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,124 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,149 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 7. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:24:48,149 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 8 of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:48,149 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005724
2024-06-28 18:24:48,150 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,184 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:48,253 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,285 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,307 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 14. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:24:48,308 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 9 of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:48,308 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005824
2024-06-28 18:24:48,309 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,343 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:48,392 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,425 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,449 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 21. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:24:48,450 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 10 of 10
2024-06-28 18:24:48,450 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005924
2024-06-28 18:24:48,450 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,487 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:48,538 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,570 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,596 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - I dag 28. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:24:48,597 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Finished downloading playlist: Nytt på nytt-quiz
2024-06-28 18:24:48,602 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -     1: Found - TBA:
2024-06-28 18:24:48,602 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - yt-dlp opts used for downloading
2024-06-28 18:24:48,602 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - {'format': 'bestvideo[width<=1920]+bestaudio/best[width<=1920]', 'quiet': False, 'merge-output-format': 'mp4', 'outtmpl': '/sonarr_root/DATA03/media/tv/Nytt på Nytt Quiz (2024) [tvdbid-449469]/Season 1/Nytt på Nytt Quiz - S1E9 - TBA WEBDL.%(ext)s', 'progress_hooks': [<function ytdl_hooks_debug at 0x7fbb04282ac0>], 'noplaylist': True, 'logger': <utils.YoutubeDLLogger object at 0x7fbb04d658b0>}
2024-06-28 18:24:48,702 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:KMNO10004324
2024-06-28 18:24:48,702 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,779 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:24:48,815 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:24:48,883 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [info] KMNO10004324: Downloading 1 format(s): 2270+aud2-Unknown
2024-06-28 18:24:48,892 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] /sonarr_root/DATA03/media/tv/Nytt på Nytt Quiz (2024) [tvdbid-449469]/Season 1/Nytt på Nytt Quiz - S1E9 - TBA WEBDL.mp4 has already been downloaded
2024-06-28 18:24:48,905 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin call Sonarr to rescan for series_id: 490
2024-06-28 18:24:48,905 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin PUT with url:
2024-06-28 18:24:48,926 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -       Downloaded - TBA
2024-06-28 18:24:48,926 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Waiting...
2024-06-28 18:25:48,934 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Configuration Found. Loading file.
2024-06-28 18:25:48,938 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Default scan interval of every 1 minutes in use
2024-06-28 18:25:48,938 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - DEBUGGING ENABLED
2024-06-28 18:25:48,938 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Sonarr api set to v4
2024-06-28 18:25:48,938 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin call Sonarr for all available series
2024-06-28 18:25:48,939 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin GET with url:
2024-06-28 18:25:49,049 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin call Sonarr for all episodes for series_id: 490
2024-06-28 18:25:49,050 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin GET with url:
2024-06-28 18:25:49,050 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin GET with params: {'seriesId': 490}
2024-06-28 18:25:49,054 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Nytt på Nytt Quiz missing 1 episodes
2024-06-28 18:25:49,054 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -   1: Nytt på Nytt Quiz - TBA
2024-06-28 18:25:49,055 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Processing Wanted Downloads
2024-06-28 18:25:49,055 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -   Nytt på Nytt Quiz:
2024-06-28 18:25:49,055 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - yt-dlp opts used for episode matching
2024-06-28 18:25:49,055 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - {'ignoreerrors': True, 'playlistreverse': True, 'matchtitle': 'TBA', 'quiet': False, 'match-filter': '!is_short & !url =~ /shorts/', 'logger': <utils.YoutubeDLLogger object at 0x7fbb035c75f0>, 'progress_hooks': [<function ytdl_hooks at 0x7fbb04282e80>]}
2024-06-28 18:25:49,161 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRKTVSeries] Extracting URL: https://tv.nrk.no/serie/nytt-paa-nytt-quiz
2024-06-28 18:25:49,161 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRKTVSeries] nytt-paa-nytt-quiz: Downloading serie JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:49,381 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading playlist: Nytt på nytt-quiz
2024-06-28 18:25:49,383 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRKTVSeries] Playlist Nytt på nytt-quiz: Downloading 10 items of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:49,384 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 1 of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:49,384 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:KMNO10004324
2024-06-28 18:25:49,384 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:49,437 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:49,499 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:49,545 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:25:49,546 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 2 of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:49,546 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005124
2024-06-28 18:25:49,547 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:49,592 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:49,671 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:49,715 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005124: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:49,744 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 3. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:25:49,744 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 3 of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:49,744 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005224
2024-06-28 18:25:49,745 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:49,799 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:49,878 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:49,922 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005224: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:49,946 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 10. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:25:49,946 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 4 of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:49,947 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005324
2024-06-28 18:25:49,947 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:49,989 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:50,054 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,105 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005324: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,129 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 16. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:25:50,129 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 5 of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:50,130 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005424
2024-06-28 18:25:50,130 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,170 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:50,227 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,269 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005424: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,293 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 24. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:25:50,293 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 6 of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:50,294 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005524
2024-06-28 18:25:50,294 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,336 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:50,405 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,446 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005524: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,474 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 31. mai" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:25:50,475 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 7 of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:50,475 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005624
2024-06-28 18:25:50,475 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,523 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:50,606 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,654 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005624: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,678 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 7. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:25:50,678 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 8 of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:50,678 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005724
2024-06-28 18:25:50,679 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,727 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:50,806 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,853 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005724: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,887 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 14. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:25:50,888 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 9 of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:50,888 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005824
2024-06-28 18:25:50,888 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:50,941 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:51,021 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:51,061 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005824: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:51,085 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - 21. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:25:51,085 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Downloading item 10 of 10
2024-06-28 18:25:51,086 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:MUHH50005924
2024-06-28 18:25:51,086 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:51,128 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:51,171 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:51,215 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] MUHH50005924: Downloading programs JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:51,247 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] "Nytt på nytt-quiz - I dag 28. juni" title did not match pattern "TBA"
2024-06-28 18:25:51,248 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] Finished downloading playlist: Nytt på nytt-quiz
2024-06-28 18:25:51,253 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -     1: Found - TBA:
2024-06-28 18:25:51,253 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - yt-dlp opts used for downloading
2024-06-28 18:25:51,254 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - {'format': 'bestvideo[width<=1920]+bestaudio/best[width<=1920]', 'quiet': False, 'merge-output-format': 'mp4', 'outtmpl': '/sonarr_root/DATA03/media/tv/Nytt på Nytt Quiz (2024) [tvdbid-449469]/Season 1/Nytt på Nytt Quiz - S1E9 - TBA WEBDL.%(ext)s', 'progress_hooks': [<function ytdl_hooks_debug at 0x7fbb04282ac0>], 'noplaylist': True, 'logger': <utils.YoutubeDLLogger object at 0x7fbb03babfb0>}
2024-06-28 18:25:51,353 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] Extracting URL: nrk:KMNO10004324
2024-06-28 18:25:51,354 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading manifest JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:51,420 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading m3u8 information
2024-06-28 18:25:51,444 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [NRK] KMNO10004324: Downloading metadata JSON
2024-06-28 18:25:51,488 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [info] KMNO10004324: Downloading 1 format(s): 2270+aud2-Unknown
2024-06-28 18:25:51,495 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - [download] /sonarr_root/DATA03/media/tv/Nytt på Nytt Quiz (2024) [tvdbid-449469]/Season 1/Nytt på Nytt Quiz - S1E9 - TBA WEBDL.mp4 has already been downloaded
2024-06-28 18:25:51,508 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin call Sonarr to rescan for series_id: 490
2024-06-28 18:25:51,508 - stream_harvestarr - DEBUG - Begin PUT with url:
2024-06-28 18:25:51,522 - stream_harvestarr - INFO -       Downloaded - TBA
2024-06-28 18:25:51,523 - stream_harvestarr - INFO - Waiting...


    scan_interval: 1  # minutes between scans
    debug: true  # Set to True for a more verbose output
    port: 8989  # sonarr default port
    apikey: XXX
    ssl: false
    version: v4

    default_format: bestvideo[width<=1920]+bestaudio/best[width<=1920]
  - title: Nytt på Nytt Quiz
    url: https://tv.nrk.no/serie/nytt-paa-nytt-quiz
ryakel commented 4 days ago

Have you found this issue to be present with sites other than NRK?