You are now required to log in to schedule. This is mostly safety for me since schedules are now saved on the server.
When you log in, the default schedule action will be to choose dates. When you choose a date, it will try to find a saved version of that date, or it will create a blank day if it hasn't been saved already. You can still drag in a file by clicking the drag in option.
Every 30 minutes (or when you click save) the progress you have made will be saved both as a file (like normal) and externally to the server.
I highly recommend you still keep track of the files it saves in case there are any issues or in case you want past versions of schedules.
@Waldo7979 @first2mars
Schedule progress is now saved to the cloud
You are now required to log in to schedule. This is mostly safety for me since schedules are now saved on the server.
When you log in, the default schedule action will be to choose dates. When you choose a date, it will try to find a saved version of that date, or it will create a blank day if it hasn't been saved already. You can still drag in a file by clicking the drag in option.
Every 30 minutes (or when you click save) the progress you have made will be saved both as a file (like normal) and externally to the server.
I highly recommend you still keep track of the files it saves in case there are any issues or in case you want past versions of schedules.