ryan-hoffman / myRealPro

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a gentle introduction to R #1

Open paul-shannon opened 4 years ago

paul-shannon commented 4 years ago


This looks like a good place to start: https://rpubs.com/pjmurphy/414993

paul-shannon commented 4 years ago


I just checked in shinyVersions/simpleDemo/jpegDemo.R. It is short, just 32 lines. There are some shiny-isms to get used to - send me questions as they arise. This little app is on a trajectory, headed towards your desired myRealPro.

Grok this early version, up and down, in and out, line by line. Get a grasp of the strange logic of reactive programming. Then I bet we can move quickly to put your charts in, keeping the app about as simple as this one.

paul-shannon commented 4 years ago

@ryan-hoffman I forgot to explain the way that I routinely run apps like this. I do so from bash, like this. RStudio may need something a bit different - let me know and I'lll get you the crib for that.

bash> R -f jpegDemo.R