How can I Whitelist the whole of activeadmin and devise to no use cancan to skip authorization, so far
> check_authorization unless: :devise_controller?
works for login page only but cant get past that as it throws the error
> CanCan::AuthorizationNotPerformed in AdminPanel::DashboardController#index
is possible to have the check_authorization unless allow more than one parameeter, how can i do that as having it in multiple lines doesnt work and also pitting in array doesnt seem to as well
How can I Whitelist the whole of activeadmin and devise to no use cancan to skip authorization, so far
works for login page only but cant get past that as it throws the error
is possible to have the check_authorization unless allow more than one parameeter, how can i do that as having it in multiple lines doesnt work and also pitting in array doesnt seem to as well