ryanb / cancan

Authorization Gem for Ruby on Rails.
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How do you use CanCan 2.0 to authorize deletion of a mongoid embedded document? #790

Open cameronkendall opened 11 years ago

cameronkendall commented 11 years ago

I currently have a User collection, and within that collection there is a Friend embedded document. I want to setup authorization so only the users that are connected can delete a friend. This equates to deleting a Friend embedded document in the User document. I am currently getting a Mongoid DocumentNotFound error when I call the destroy action (and I'm not even able to reach the debugging Rails logger info output) because it looks like CanCan is trying to find the friend in the Friend collection which doesn't exist because it is a Mongoid embedded document in the User document.

class User include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps::Created field :first_name, type: String field :email, type: String embeds_many :friends, cascade_callbacks: true end

class Friend include Mongoid::Document include Mongoid::Timestamps::Created field :friend_user_id, type: Moped::BSON::ObjectId field :first_name, type: String embedded_in :user end

class Ability include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) if user can [:edit, :update], :users, :id => user.id can [:index, :create], :friends can [:accept_friend, :destroy], :friends, :friend_user_id => user.id end end

class FriendsController < ApplicationController load_and_authorize_resource def destroy Rails.logger.info "TEST" # I never get to here. respond_to do |format| format.html {} end end end

rutte commented 11 years ago

You are not using the classs in your ability initialize method. It should be: class Ability include CanCan::Ability def initialize(user) if user can [:edit, :update], User, :id => user._id can [:index, :create], Friend can [:accept_friend, :destroy], Friend, :friend_user_id => user._id end end

Not sure if the ._id is needed, maybe .id works too.

xhoy commented 10 years ago

Dear submitter, Since cancan/raynB hasn't been active for more than 6 months and no body else then ryam himself has commit permissions the cancan project is on a stand still. Since cancan has several issues including missing support for rails 4 cancan is moving forward to cancancan. More details on: #994

If your feel that your pull request or bug is still applicable (and hasn't been merged in to cancan) it would be really appreciated if you would resubmit it to cancancan (https://github.com/cancancommunity/cancancan)

We hope to see you on the other side!