ryanb / private_pub

Handle pub/sub messaging through private channels in Rails using Faye.
MIT License
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Faye Node.js adapter #3

Open ryanb opened 13 years ago

ryanb commented 13 years ago

It would be nice to support the Node.js adapter in Faye as well. I should provide a custom extension one can use with that. Or at least an example on the wiki.

mrrooijen commented 13 years ago

Sounds good. I think Node.js will be able to handle a lot more async/concurrent requests compared to Ruby since that's what it was built for.

ianmurrays commented 13 years ago

So, as of now, it doesn't work with the Node.js version of Faye? I thought it did :(

ryanb commented 13 years ago

@ianmurrays you can still use the Rails portion of private_pub, it's just that it doesn't come with a Faye extension for Node.js. You'll have to rebuild that portion to match what is in the Ruby/Rack version.

ianmurrays commented 13 years ago

@ryanb thanks ;)

hamin commented 12 years ago

@ryanb I've used Faye in production for a bunch of projects and love it :) I've used the Node.js servers instead of the Ruby servers. If all you need is a Node.js server in with the Faye extensions that you have in your Ruby version, I can happily submit a pull-request. Just now sure where exact you would want it to live. I'm assuming in 'private_pub / lib / generators / private_pub / templates / private_pub.js' ? Let me know, would love to help.

vstabile commented 12 years ago

@hamin your node.js server with those faye extensions would be helpful. If you're not pulling it here, I would be really grateful if you share it in another repo, just let us know. Thanks!

mrbrdo commented 12 years ago

Is this ever going to be made? Would be nice to have this option, as I would prefer to run the nodejs server.