ryanb / private_pub

Handle pub/sub messaging through private channels in Rails using Faye.
MIT License
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Publish from JS #44

Open mrbrdo opened 12 years ago

mrbrdo commented 12 years ago

Is there a good way to enable JS clients to publish directly to faye (like you can do with FayeClient.publish("/channel", message))? I don't like the idea that I need 2 HTTP requests to send a message if I can do it with only 1, instead of going through Rails to send.

mrbrdo commented 12 years ago

Also, would there be a security issue if I allowed users to publish to a channel with the same key that is used to "sign" into a channel (that hash)? By modifying https://github.com/ryanb/private_pub/blob/master/lib/private_pub/faye_extension.rb

I don't care about sanitization of what is sent, only that "unauthorized" people cannot publish/listen to the channel.

chikamichi commented 11 years ago

PrivatePub.fayeClient is the legacy Faye client, but there is no way to specify the required "ext" chunk with Faye's current API, so nope, you gotta POST to the Faye server with the private_pub_token. Here's a POST using curl just to show what the payload looks like:

curl http://localhost:9292/faye -d 'message={"channel":"/test", "data":"hello", "ext":{"private_pub_token":"secret"}}'

An AJAX request with this kind of payload will do. Maybe PrivatePub (the JS object) could benefit from a publish_to function?

Irostovsky commented 11 years ago

Thank you for the idea! The correct url should be without "message": curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -X POST http://localhost:9292/faye -d '{"channel": "/test", "data": {"channel": "/test", "data": {}}, "ext": {"private_pub_token": "secret"}}'