ryanb / private_pub

Handle pub/sub messaging through private channels in Rails using Faye.
MIT License
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Javascript connection error when subscribing (using heroku faye server) #71

Closed jonfdaily closed 11 years ago

jonfdaily commented 11 years ago

When I attempt to subscribe to a channel, the following javascript error is thrown every time:

Error: Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ws://<server-name>/faye. Source File: http://<server-name>/faye.js

Everything actually works, but it does start to fail after being loaded for some time. Additionally, I see a lot of timeout errors from the faye server:

2013-01-29T17:27:07+00:00 heroku[router]: at=error code=H12 desc="Request timeout" method=POST path=/faye host=<server-name> fwd= dyno=web.1 queue=0ms wait=2ms connect=14ms service=30000ms status=503 bytes=0

Any suggestions for how to minimize these errors? Any additional troubleshooting suggestion?


( running: faye (0.8.6), private_pub (1.0.3) )

marcelo-lopes commented 11 years ago

Hi @jonfdaily , could you figure out why it was happening? I have the same issue.


marcelo-lopes commented 11 years ago

I followed some hints from this issue https://github.com/ryanb/private_pub/issues/52

what means, I changed the faye server in Heroku back to one dyno and it works better now.