ryanb / private_pub

Handle pub/sub messaging through private channels in Rails using Faye.
MIT License
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Rails 4 support #83

Closed drakmail closed 10 years ago

drakmail commented 10 years ago

Does private_pub support (or will it be support) Rails 4?

pencilcheck commented 10 years ago

+1 It doesn't seems to work on Rails 4 out of box

gregmolnar commented 10 years ago

@pencilcheck What issues did you have? I use this gem in a Rails4 app without any problem so far.

pencilcheck commented 10 years ago

I followed the tutorial, but nothing happened. No requests sent and no requests received. I can't see any of them on the faye server

gregmolnar commented 10 years ago

Do see anything in the log files? I haven't tried the tutorial but I am using private_pub in a rails4 app without any problem.

pencilcheck commented 10 years ago

It's nothing, nothing at all. And I have created a new rails 4 app many times but none of them worked.

gregmolnar commented 10 years ago

Did you try it with Rails 3.x ? Also did you try to use the code from this repo? https://github.com/railscasts/316-private-pub

pencilcheck commented 10 years ago

How would that help the case in Rails 4? I'm not using Rails 3 and the repo is already 2 years old.

gregmolnar commented 10 years ago

It may help to find the route of the problem. I will make a sample repo with rails4 in the following days. I will follow the steps from Ryan's tutorial and we will see if it works for me.

gregmolnar commented 10 years ago

I've made a sample Rails4 repo by following Ryan's tutorial: https://github.com/gregmolnar/chatter A couple of things to note: Rails4 uses strong_parameters so you have to permit the message parameters in your controller to make it work You have to restart your server after adding private_pub

There is nothing else I can think about and if any of the above is the issue that should be in your log file.

gregmolnar commented 10 years ago

@drakmail Can you close this as private_pub supports Rails4. Thanks

pencilcheck commented 10 years ago

Yes, I just add PrivatePub publish in create method, but nothing is sent or received in the faye server log. So I can't debug. I think I will just use a different pubsub gem then.

gregmolnar commented 10 years ago

@pencilcheck is that repo public? It would help to identify the problem. If it is not private can you give a try this one? https://github.com/gregmolnar/chatter

mazeltov7 commented 10 years ago

So the conclution is ... private_pub support Rails4? now I'm wondering if I use Rails4 with private_pub.

gregmolnar commented 10 years ago

@mazeltov7 I would say it is. Look at this repo: https://github.com/gregmolnar/chatter I built the example app from Ryan's post with Rails 4 and it works like a charm. I also use the gem in an app with Rails4 without any problem.

drakmail commented 10 years ago

I think, it is time to close this ticket.

gregmolnar commented 10 years ago

@drakmail Thanks!

mazeltov7 commented 10 years ago

@gregmolnar I appreciate your rapid reply. Thank you!