ryanb / private_pub

Handle pub/sub messaging through private channels in Rails using Faye.
MIT License
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Pure Javascript implementation #98

Open ajbraus opened 10 years ago

ajbraus commented 10 years ago

Is there a pure javascript implementation of this?

I am trying to get Angular on Phonegap to listen to a faye channel and then publish to it in my rails controller.

I can't get the handshake to work because all the black magic is tied up in the view helpers and I can't seem to unpack them

gregmolnar commented 10 years ago

Not yet. PrivatePub is not maintained in the moment. I may fork it and start to fix up the issues.

miukki commented 8 years ago

i have also wanna fork and do angular version . so code is pretty clear in rails. will give you some updates

gregmolnar commented 8 years ago

well, I wouldn't do it as actioncable makes it a lot easier to implement pub/sub