ryanb / trusted-params

Rails plugin for overriding attr_accessible protection.
MIT License
149 stars 9 forks source link

Added gemspec and moved tasks #5

Closed elandesign closed 13 years ago

elandesign commented 14 years ago

Hi Ryan,

I find trusted-params useful and end up adding it as a plugin to most of my projects - figured it would be nicer to do this as a gem...

I've created the gemspec (cribbed from your cancan gem), and moved init.rb into a rails directory. Also taken the opportunity to move tasks/ under lib/ as I keep getting deprecation warnings about that.

I'd be happy to push it to rubygems.org but as it's your project that would seem wrong, so I figured this might be the best way to do it.

Thanks a million for all your hard work on this, your other projects and on RailsCasts - you've helped me and the entire Ruby/Rails community more than anyone else I can think of (apart from maybe DHH of course).
