ryanbhayward / games-puzzles-algorithms

software for CMPUT 355 (initial 396): ugrad course on games, puzzles, algorithms
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Add script for playing tournaments between GTP players #65

Closed dmorrill10 closed 8 years ago

dmorrill10 commented 8 years ago

Ideally should integrate will all our games. Usage would be something like

play-tournament -p <list of players> -g <game>. E.g.

mcts="bin/gpa-games-cli -g $game -a mcts"
ab="bin/gpa-games-cli -g $game -a alpha-beta"
play-tournament -p [$mcts, $ab] -g $game
nwoeanhinnogaehr commented 8 years ago

The tournament code in benzene should be a good starting point for this.

JesseH- commented 8 years ago

Is anyone looking at this? I'm going to be out of town and unreachable without internet access until Tuesday, so I can probably take a crack at this, as it seems rather self-contained.