ryanckulp / speedrail

Rails 7 app template: Devise auth, Stripe billing, Tailwind CSS, admin panel, SEO helpers, etc
MIT License
212 stars 28 forks source link

planning Speedrail v2.0 #148

Open ryanckulp opened 3 months ago

ryanckulp commented 3 months ago

fixes / improvements

new stuff

BSierakowski commented 3 months ago

More Hotwire examples would be wonderful.

Also, potentially out of scope, but providing some "out of the box" SSO options for account creation would be nice. Allowing any new user to create their account via Google is a nice, low friction way of getting users in, and once you have one provider adding others is just a matter of having more omniauth strategies and callback routes.

More marketing stuff would be cool too—you're good at that and providing some things to copy off of would be helpful :).

niklasbabel commented 3 months ago

adding two alternatives for implementing captchas:

--> Cloudflare Captcha --> Friendly Captcha

up to @ryanckulp :)

5andu commented 3 months ago

As @BSierakowski said, some Hotwire examples or commonly used components could be interesting!

Here are a few ideas:

sudosoph commented 2 months ago

On my wishlist is the newer, still-maintained gem or Rails best practice that replaced Figaro for secure credentials