I was attempting to upgrade the grunt tasks to include ngAnnotate, IIFE wrapping, and modify the uglification ...
But i cannot fathom how the directory structure is managed ..
I did a grunt wrap task, with expand set, and it ends up in .tmp/public/wrap/.tmp/public/src/\ yikes. The next task can't seem to reference it, as all references are somehow redirected.
Could someone provide a little guidance on what/how this is kicked off and how directory redirects work?
I was attempting to upgrade the grunt tasks to include ngAnnotate, IIFE wrapping, and modify the uglification ...
But i cannot fathom how the directory structure is managed ..
I did a grunt wrap task, with expand set, and it ends up in .tmp/public/wrap/.tmp/public/src/\ yikes. The next task can't seem to reference it, as all references are somehow redirected.
Could someone provide a little guidance on what/how this is kicked off and how directory redirects work?