ryancramerdesign / DynamicRoles

Dynamic Roles for ProcessWire
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Template view permission with "show PW login", when no access it goes to admin if no template file exists #3

Open somatonic opened 9 years ago

somatonic commented 9 years ago

As the title suggests. Is this intended behaviour?

somatonic commented 9 years ago

Hmm wrong place :)

ryancramerdesign commented 9 years ago

Right, this is PW specific rather than Dynamic Roles specific. But we've got lots of room here, so no matter. :) If you check the box to show the login screen when access isn't there, that is an intended behavior. Though the intended context is guest users that aren't already logged in. So there's not much reason to use that feature for access control beyond that. You are seeing it as going to the admin because it's loading ProcessLogin, and ProcessLogin is seeing "you are already logged in" and redirecting to the default Process for a logged in user. As for alternatives, I probably need to know about what scenario the question originates from?