ryancramerdesign / InputfieldTinyMCE

TinyMCE v6 for ProcessWire 3.0.200+
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Insert link in a multi-language setup not working correctly. #14

Closed erikvanberkum closed 1 year ago

erikvanberkum commented 2 years ago

Using version 6.0.8 in a multi-language setup.

Standard language is English Alternative language is Spanish

When doing "Insert Link" in the Spanish text field tab.
Go to "select page" select an URL. After insert link the English URL gets inserted and not the desired Spanish one.

ryancramerdesign commented 2 years ago

@erikvanberkum I can't seem to duplicate this one. When I select a page from my non-default language, the inserted link is for the correct language. Is it possible that the page you are linking to is not enabled for Spanish? If all looks good there, can you tell me more about the context of the TinyMCE editor, for instance, is it within a repeater or something?

erikvanberkum commented 1 year ago

@ryancramerdesign Sorry Ryan, I tried again, and now it works. Not sure what I did wrong the first, two times before reporting this.