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Should we aim to get ProcessWire supported by composer/installers? #1747

Open teppokoivula opened 8 years ago

teppokoivula commented 8 years ago

The solution @harikt has provided for installing modules via Composer definitely does the trick, but I'm wondering if we should aim to get ProcessWire support into the official composer/installers package?

The point there is to provide single solution for multiple framework-specific installation procedures via separate installers, and it's the de facto standard way to achieve this. Considering that they've already got installers for a whole bunch of projects, I would expect them to be pretty open for including us too.

Hari, if you're reading this, what's your take on the subject? Are you familiar with composer/installers, and if so, would you be interested in submitting a ProcessWire installer there? :)

harikt commented 8 years ago

Hi @teppokoivula ,

I don't remember / recall all the discussions we did earlier regarding the composer installer. You can see an old one over https://github.com/composer/installers/pull/24 , and it was specially for aura v1 though. We moved away from installing in different location other than vendor in aura for v2 though .

I don't think I have quite some time to look into it again. Feel free to take any code / work in case it may help. Probably it will be just something as

namespace Composer\Installers;
class ProcesswireInstaller extends BaseInstaller
    protected $locations = array(
        'pw-module'  => 'site/modules/{$name}/',

and of-course need a bit of testing.

iirc the composer installer will eventually be deprecated ? Please do confirm this with the team before it being worked.

teppokoivula commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your comments, @harikt. So far I haven't seen any notice about deprecation, but will dig a bit deeper before going forward with this.

isellsoap commented 8 years ago

@teppokoivula Is this issue still relevant? PW can be installed via composer now, right?

harikt commented 8 years ago

@isellsoap this is not about processwire installed via composer. This is about how processwire modules can be installed via composer, so that the installed modules can be installed in the specific location site/modules without using https://github.com/harikt/pwmoduleinstaller but using composer/installers .