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Quick-tree not available in Firefox #1983

Open stefan-scholl opened 8 years ago

stefan-scholl commented 8 years ago

I was wondering why I can't see the quick-tree. I'm using Firefox.

Testing it in Google Chrome I suddenly see the quick-tree. As Firefox is the most used browser in my country (Germany) this is a bit awkward.

processwired commented 8 years ago

As Firefox is the most used browser in my country (Germany)

Well, it depends. It just can't be said that clearly - it depends on which statistical values have been factored. Some services count page impressions, some count visits. It seems to be more a neck-and-neck race between Chrome and Firefox in Germany - maybe you are just riding the wrong horse of the two ;-) SCNR

benbyford commented 8 years ago

ha, your right not very useful. Firstly quick-tree is an alteration to the admin. You can create new admin themes so if you want to help fix it, knock yourself out.

personal i've never had or used this feature, and create my own admin themes to white list for clients so isnt a breaking issue for me or all of my clients over the last 6 years. but as i mentioned as its open source, please help us make PW better and work on all browsers etc.

processwired commented 8 years ago

My first post was somewhat off-topic, sorry. Quick-tree works fine for me in Firefox 48.0.1, PW 3.0.30. Perhaps you've got some module activated which injects some destructive JavaScript? Any messages in Firefox JS console?

stefan-scholl commented 8 years ago

touch was set to true in the session.

The PHP code which adds the quick-tree to the breadcrumb (default theme) or top navigation (reno theme) only runs if touch isn't true in the session.

Status of touch is set in the session after login. The login_touch field gets submitted by the login. ProcessLogin.js checks for a touch device and sets the login_touch field:

// detect whether or not it's a touch device
var touch = (('ontouchstart' in window) || (navigator.MaxTouchPoints > 0) || (navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0));
$("#login_touch").val(touch ? 1 : 0);

My Firefox gave you true for ('ontouchstart' in window).

I checked in the Firefox settings (about:config) and dom.w3c_touch_events.enabled was set to 1.

I don't remember setting it to this value and none of the extensions are touch related. The setting was once enabled by default by Firefox but disabled after some problems with popular sites like Twitter and Google: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=888304

Very obscure problem.

stefan-scholl commented 8 years ago

This would mean that quick-tree isn't shown on all touch enabled devices, no matter how large the viewport. No quick-tree on Surface Pro etc.?