Closed Renobird closed 10 years ago
Not sure if related, but i described another strange occurrence of the the old login screen during a fresh installation of 2.4.5 dev:
I tested with both Reno Admin and Modesta Admin but am not seeing that behavior here. Any other ideas how to duplicate it? Double check that you've got the latest dev branch, as I think the first 2.4.5 commits may have had an issue in this regard, but not sure. Also double check that your /wire/ dir is replaced completely with the new /wire/ dir (rather than replaced into). Please let me know what you find?
As for the old login screen appearing on a fresh 2.4.5 dev install, this is expected. Actually this is expected any time the SystemUpdater runs and clears the modules cache, so you'd see the same behavior for 1-2 pageviews when upgrading from 2.4.4 (or earlier) to 2.4.5. I'll be able to resolve it on a fresh installation by either updating the installer's SQL file (so updates don't need to run) or by preloading a page in the background to make the SystemUpdater run behind the scenes. But not too worried about seeing the old admin theme for a moment (an old friend). :)
just updated to the latest dev, and the themes switch as expected. However, the default admin won't switch color schemes. Tried different browsers, and clearing all web data — still stays on "warm" even if the settings shows a different selection.
@Renobird I can't seem to duplicate that error either. Can you double check that you don't have an old version of the default admin theme present in your /site/ directory? Also, if you don't have debug mode enabled, try turning it on (in /site/config.php) just in case there is some error occurring that is not visible. I know you've mentioned you are stuck with an older PHP version, so debug mode might also point out if there's some code issue based on PHP version.
Anything new on this, or are you still experiencing this issue?
Haven't heard back on this in awhile, so closing out but please reply if you want me to re-open. Thanks.
Sorry, forgot to report back. This is all now working as expected. Thanks Ryan.
I think this started with 2.4.5, but perhaps it was earlier and went unnoticed. When changing admin themes, the admin reverts back to old (2.3) non-module version for the admin. If you click "check for new modules" the installed theme is them picked up.