ryandao / silverstripe-payment

SilverStripe Payment Module
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Merchant hosted payments form #27

Open jedateach opened 12 years ago

jedateach commented 12 years ago

I've been cleaning up the combined_payment_fields function for payment fields using Payment 0.3 on one of my sites.

I've essentially removed combined form fields, and replaced with a optionset field (could be a drop-down also). Obviously this removes the possibility of using merchant hosted payments, but I've only ever used external gateway payment solutions anway.

But, I've been thinking you could still continue with this approach, if you simply offer merchant hosted payments on a different page of your site. This could be a standard Page, with the form on it. Force SSL of course.

I'm guessing sometimes people will also want to have credit card entry on their main payment form...and that could still be possible, but the point is that the default is to always redirect to external gateway, or a local payment page.

Thoughts? @frankmullenger @ryandao

ryandao commented 12 years ago

I actually quite like this approach. Payment form has bothered me a lot previously. The way the new API handles payment form is quite confusing (honestly). So I think putting the form in a separate page would make more sense. Is there any downsides of this approach?

frankmullenger commented 12 years ago

It would be good to have the flexibility to override the OptionSetField and return something more custom - like the radio button fields from the original Payment module. Those fields could be rendered with a custom template which included credit card icons and links to payment gateway terms and conditions etc.

I quite like the idea of having a seperate page for merchant hosted payments (never use merchant hosted payments either), there will be devs that want the credit card form fields integrated in another "order form" or something like that so making the FieldSet available for a particular gateway would be nice.