Open johnwen84 opened 2 years ago
It's a shame, but the library doesn't seem maintained anymore.
@cristianoccazinsp yea it sucks. I guess I'll have to find an alternative.
Let me know if you find any!
@ryandrewjohnson Any change you can update the package to fix these? Using this heavily in production
Just switched to i18nreact. Def recommend it. You can opt out for the route prefixes easily. Basicly just wrap the t function in i18n with your own component. And change every import statement where you used to use this package. Worth the hassle, as it's very maintained unlike this shitshow.
@jimmailcamp , any change you have some kind of sample that would help a non-react guy that have to fix a react system (get it running with vite)?
I've set it up for next.js and Cra. Not much experience with vite. Tho I definitly recommend the switch to Next. The community is big, documentation is clear and out of the box compiling just works without any config whatsoever.
Even in CRA I used 'i18next'. Just follow the documentation and u should be good to go. Heres a start: Works in CRA* & Next.js
Initialize initI18n() in a useEffect with empty deps array;
import i18n from 'i18next'; import {initReactI18next} from 'react-i18next'; import LanguageDetector from 'i18next-browser-languagedetector';
return i18n // learn more: .use(LanguageDetector) // pass the i18n instance to react-i18next. .use(initReactI18next) // init i18next // for all options read: .init({ react:{ transSupportBasicHtmlNodes: true, transKeepBasicHtmlNodesFor: ['br', 'strong', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'span'] }, debug:false, fallbackLng: 'en', interpolation: { escapeValue: false, // not needed for react as it escapes by default },
resources: {
en: {
nl: {
My own translation component that wraps i18n t method:
import React from 'react'; import {useTranslation} from 'react-i18next';
export const Translation = ({id, ...props}) => {
const {t} = useTranslation();
if (props.ns) return <>{t(id, {...props})}</>
return <>{t( id.replace(${id.split('.')[0]}.
, ''), {...props, ns : id.split('.')[0]})}</>
Hope this helps
Do you want to request a feature or report a bug? bug
What is the current behavior? npm i react-localize-redux@latest
5 high severity vulnerabilities
To address all issues (including breaking changes), run: npm audit fix --force
If the current behavior is a bug, please provide the steps to reproduce and if possible a minimal demo of the problem. Your bug will get fixed much faster if we can run your code. Paste the link to your JSFiddle ( or CodeSandbox ( example below: Just run, npm i react-localize-redux@latest npm will report 5 high severity vulnerabilities
What is the expected behavior? We expect that no vulnerability should be reported We can run "npm audit fix --force" to get rid of the vulnerabilities, but that will bring the version to 2.17.5, which causes package conflicts and maybe more other problems.
Which versions of
are you using? "react": "^16.8.4", "react-cookie": "^4.0.3", "react-dom": "^16.8.4", "react-localize-redux": "^3.5.3", "react-redux": "^7.2.0", "react-router-dom": "^5.2.0", "redux": "^4.0.1", "redux-thunk": "^2.3.0",