ryane / kfilt

kfilt can filter Kubernetes resources.
Apache License 2.0
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Value for the kfilt plugin #13

Open nyarly opened 4 years ago

nyarly commented 4 years ago

I'm attempting something like https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/kustomize/blob/master/examples/multibases/multi-namespace.md

The common base is composed from the merge of several Helm charts. As a result there are many ClusterRoles, ClusterRoleBindings, and other un-namespaced resources generated. Kustomize won't merge those into the ultimate variant, because they share an id, when when the merge would be trivial (i.e. same id, but came resource). The advice from the Kustomize project is to produce a separate "whole-cluster" base. Managing this with delete patches, long term, sounds like a lot of toil.

Conversely, being able to use the kfilt plugin (which I'm looking at trying now) would let me filter out the 3 result bases from each Helm chart in a consistent way. There'll still be some work to knit them together sensibly, but filtering the resources into outputs will be much easier.