ryanflorence / SlideShow

Extensible mid-level MooTools slideshow class that manages transitions of elements that share the same space, typically for slideshows, tabs, and galleries.
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Slides not displaying after form post. #8

Open nickolasgregory opened 13 years ago

nickolasgregory commented 13 years ago


I am using SlideShow to 'page' through a form.

If the POSTed data does not validate, and I get redirected back to the form, the browser seems to "remember" the style="display: none;" for each slide but the first. So they appear blank. (FF3.5 FF4.0 IE7/8 Chrome)

I "fixed" this by adding a check in setupSlides() as below;

if (slide.get('style') != 'display: none;') {
    slide.store('slideshow-index', index).store('slideshow:oldStyles', slide.get('style'));

But I'm sure there's a better way, or some magical fix :)